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  1. R

    Help! Source for Drag Link End for L245DT

    Wolfman! Thank you for checking on that part number. Unfortunately all the parts houses are closed over the weekend and I will have to wait until Monday to check. It was very helpful of you to mention that the End Drag Link was the same for the L185 as it was for the L245, as it widens my...
  2. R

    Help! Source for Drag Link End for L245DT

    Wolfman! Thank you ever so much for the correction on End Drag Link vs Drag Link End! You've confused me though with a different part number. A Kuboda dealer gave me the P/N 37720-43910. The P/N you quoted is 35280-43910. The last five digits are the same. The 35280 is smaller than the...
  3. R

    WTB drag link end or arm knuckle for L245DT

    Have looked everywhere for a Drag Link End for a 1985 L245DT. Some people call it an "arm knuckle". It attaches to the top of the front axel next to the inside left front wheel via a small plate with four bolt holes in it. P/N is 37720-93910 if that helps. Can send a picture if that helps...
  4. R

    Help! Source for Drag Link End for L245DT

    Sam! Thank you for your reply. It's not the Pitman arm. It's as you describe, a link (in this case cast iron) and the knuckle that has four bolt holes in it that attaches to the inside top of the wheel. It looks to be a two-part piece, consisting of an approximately ten-inch long link of...
  5. R

    Help! Source for Drag Link End for L245DT

    Friend of mine in Norway has a 1985 L245DT. The cast-iron drag link end was broken in a wreck and welded, but the curved part of the link keeps breaking. He has tried all the major European used tractor parts houses with no success, and I've tried West Kentucky, Pittsburg, State Ag and Wengers...