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  1. J

    rs1351 tiller broken chain

    Hi Vino, I couldn't find the 7/8 chain yet in the netherlands and contacted serveral industrial and agricultural companies already. Strange with so many tillers sold all over the world but grey import of course. Also checked the "officaly imported" kubota tillers at the dealer but those chains...
  2. J

    rs1351 tiller broken chain

    thanks for the info. I 'm from Europe and started with visiting the local repair shops with no success ("non standard" chain message ). Checked some websites from major chain providers already and it is clear it is not going to be easy. BTW the sprockets are still OK but a lot of wear on the...
  3. J

    rs1351 tiller broken chain

    I have a rs1351 tiller with a broken chain, the chain pitch size = 7/8 inch (22,2 mm). Checked the ANSI chain standards to replace the chain but this one does not exist (table jumps from 40,50,60 to 80 and the 7/8 corresponds to 70) Thanks for any assistance.