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  1. B

    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    Quick update: Took parts to dealership. Mechanic and parts person looked at discs and cam plate and detente balls and noted that all looked in exceptional condition considering hrs. They felt that the amount of blueing was indeed minimal as well as the amount of measured warp. The fact that...
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    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    going to dealer to see if I can get parts...
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    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    Inspected the cam plate, discs and middle stationary plate, steel balls on 3 different machined surfaces, since surfaces have their own peculiarities: -Steel balls have no scratches, score marks or heat damage -middle plate is marred on the tangs that butt up against casing, making it...
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    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    Thanks wolfman. Again, there is heat damage but "seems" relatively contained to cam plate. I will check for flatness of all parts today. Probably best surface I have for that is table saw or joiner or similar.
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    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    Thanks for your thoughts greenacres. Heat trauma is there but "appears" minimal. Just inside the cones of the cam plate, but then again, makes me wonder about warping-The fact that heat damage transferred from one side of cam plate to the direct opposite side makes the cam plate a suspect, will...
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    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    Wolfman, any thought about the stuck discs?
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    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    Also, the is a long straight metal wire (spring)behind the steel balls inside the transmission. Cant see what or how it's attached inside. But part of it is dangling down inside the transmission case next to planetary gears. If my phone wasn't already full of pics I could attach one. Can't find...
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    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    Got the left brake off yesterday afternoon, after a couple of rain showers came through. Very straight fwd, no complicated procedures. The description of how the brakes work is very bare bones in the manual, and leaves a lot to the imagination. There is no internal spring. For those who want or...
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    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    One last thought, the left brake cam lever moved back and forth very freely (ie., 3-4"). Need to compare with the right side, once linkage detached. Something tells me that if the spring inside were intact, this would not be happening. Wonder if my assumption is correct? Anyone with experience...
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    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    Its been raining past couple of days so I have a moment to jot down some progress, and thoughts. PB Blaster and Nut Cracker are my friends for rusted bolts. I have had to start disassembly of ROPs which is something i dreaded since previous owner did such a nice job of wiring up 6 flood...
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    L35 Left Brake Drag, Damaged

    I have a 1994 TLB35 with 2800 hrs. Like most others I use it for variety of things, from logging (sawmill), to earth works and plowing snow. Rear tires filled with calcium. I have a bad habit (memory is 2nd thing to go as we age) of forgetting to unlock the parking brake when backing up- yes I...
  12. B

    Left side brake L3301.

    THX Wolfman. Am goin down the rabbit hole today. Was worried it was to "heavy" of a job, but it's only a 35 Hp tractor. Fun in the sun, woo hoo! Where is best place to post my progress? Was looking for thread about Burning out brakes?
  13. B

    Left side brake L3301.

    "you've run the tractor with the parking brake on and burned out the left side brake disks." I'm that idiot.... Kept backingup with parking brake on, forgeting to release. Now the left rear wheel is not turning freely. What are my options??
  14. B

    TLB L35 hydraulic noise

    I have had my Kubota for almost 10 years and very familiar with its operation. When I disconnect backhoe I always reconnect to hydraulic line and shift lever to 3 point hitch. What I was experiencing never happened before, and I am suspicious of contamination in the hydraulics affecting...
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    TLB L35 hydraulic noise

    Here's some great news, the problem seems to have fixed itself, I hope! I decided to attache the hoe so I could get ground clearance for drain buckets. The tractor was screaming like a tuck pig. I shut off the engine when I was close to the hoe, hooked up the lines, switched the routing lever...
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    TLB L35 hydraulic noise

    Steering and shifting okay. Up until recently the lift arms were okay but them not working is a recent development. The diagrams are very helpful. Thank you. Trying to figure out best approach. Likely have to drain the system. I did notice that there was a little too much hydraulic fluid. L may...
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    TLB L35 hydraulic noise

    I've got 2700 hrs. Last year broke a hose and had to replace. I didn't bleed the line just drained the rest of the fluid and put in new hydraulic fluid. She ran fine. Considered pump but before proceeding down that road wanted to confirm that I hadn't left any other possibility out, like...
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    TLB L35 hydraulic noise

    Hi folks, I'm a newbie to this forum. I've had my tractor for nearly 10 years and I don't know how I would have gotten along without it. Its like my horse. Anyway she started making a high pitched noise last winter when I switched from the quick release backhoe to a snow blade. It was...