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  1. W

    Let'm die!

    Or, if you pee on yourself while wearing pants, or breath into a mask all day, you get went and develop long-term, irreversible, neurological damage. But don't worry, you will not likely see the results for several years, when you can't remember the names of your family. It's not only carbon...
  2. W

    Let'm die!

    It's not novel. It was patented before it was released on humanity. The patents are publicly available. Again, watch the interview of Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich, on bitchute.
  3. W

    Let'm die!

    A shill? That's not the word that comes to mind. He's simply recommending that we: 1. Find an educated doctor (as opposed to an uneducated one). 2. Pick a "reputable" medical journal (recall how the Lancet had to retract their article that referenced a fake, anti-HCQ study -- are they...
  4. W

    Let'm die!

    It seems that most people are swimming in ignorance over this subject, because they refuse to listen to key voices of dissent on the matter -- experts who, five minutes before they "spoke out", were highly respected among their peers. Experts who speak out at great risk to their well being...