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  1. D

    B2630 Battery/Starting issue

    Understood, and appreciate all the guidance and ideas from this group. Slow and steady may be the way to go but unfortunately I still work during the week at a full time job and have limited time to spend on repairs, so I am just hoping to get to the bottom of this sooner rather than later.
  2. D

    B2630 Battery/Starting issue

    IF the dynamo tests OK at high rev, what is the next likely culprit (assuming a good battery). Voltage regulator ? Is there guidance on how to test that ? Thanks all ! Dave
  3. D

    B2630 Battery/Starting issue

    Greetings, Looking for some guidance or lessons learned from folks on this forum. I have a B2630 that had been starting fine. I went to bushhog the other day and got into some thick brush and the tractor choked out. Upon trying to restart, the engine would not turn over, I just heard the...