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  • Hi Rob,

    I saw your post about the Lewis 200 backhoe. I am currently restoring one. But I can’t see any evidence of bushes even though the parts manual lists them.

    I am wondering has someone put larger pins in to do away with the bushes. From your memory were the pins all mostly 1” pins?

    Hi Rob,

    I saw in one of your posts that you managed to get your hands on a manual for the KMS180. I've just managed to get my hands on one of the backhoes here in central portugal. The machine has definitely had some use over the years, and there's a few bits that need some tlc. It would be infinitely useful to have a copy of the manual, so that I can go into a tractor shop and point at the things we need to replace (my portuguese really isn't that good!). Would there be any chance of you being able to scan me a copy? I'd be happy to send some money your way for your time....

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