Regarding the Mitsubishi tractors - Valley Power in Roanoke, VA used to be a good source of parts. Bill died and his store of parts has been auctioned or sold off based on another post on this site. I can tell you from experience the front spindles are prone to snap unexpectedly on the old Mitsubishi tractors. The loader adds weight the tractor was never intended to see. The first time mine broke a machinist friend was able to rebuild it. It snapped again within a month after selling the tractor. I never heard whether the new owner got it fixed. If you check the front axle capacity on many newer tractors you'll find the weight of the empty loader puts it near its limit. I found used tractors in my locale to be scarce and was concerned about parts availability. That's why I bought a new Kubota about four years ago. I wish you well with whatever you do.