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  • I changed the coolant on my B 2620 as the manual recommends at the 2 year mark. Manual says capacity is 4.1 gal, I take radiator cap off, loosen petcock, drain, only about a gallon and a half comes out, flush with running hose for about 10 minutes. Refill takes less than 2 gallon of coolant mix. What am I doing wrong? radiator was full when i started and full when I finished, got over 2 gallons left?? No problems but don't seem right.
    I changed the coolant on my B 2620 as the manual recommends at the 2 year mark. Manual says capacity is 4.1 gal, I take radiator cap off, loosen petcock , drain. Flush with running hose for about 10 minutes. Refill. takes less than 2 gal of coolant mix. What am i doing wrong? Let run for about 20 minutes, show full, no heat problems....
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