It seems that some mfr’s want to make their machines So Proprietary that no one but their “approved repair stations” can service them. That just rubs me wrong. If I BUY something….it should be MINE to operate, modify, and/or repair.
In fact, it appears to me that it’s even going beyond that… That some mfr’s are going so far as to gather owner and user information that, in other industries, would be considered private.
An example is the recent discovery that new vehicles communicate via satellite and cellular systems to report back to mfr’s the details of owner’s use of the product.… where the product is being used, how it’s being used, how often it’s started, how fast it’s operated, how often the oil is changed, And “over the air” can modify the vehicle’s performance, it’s “tune”, and monitor it’s operating parameters.
I had not previously considered what satellite or cellular connections in a vehicle might portend.
When “on star” was introduced in some GM vehicles…it struck me as a rally Nice option. It did not occur to me that it would be used to report my driving locations and habits, if I drive faster than the speed limit, when I changed the oil on my own, or other such details. These reports cannot be stopped and border on privacy invasion, IMO.