Value of a 2019 L3301


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L3560HSTC-LE LA555 FDR1672 BB1272 SoldL3301HST
Jul 12, 2024
Terry, MS
Neighbor is hounding me for our 3301. We talked about this a couple years ago when I was then about to pull the trigger on a grand L but didn't.

But now I think the time has come. He's an awesome neighbor who is in desperate need of a smaller machine. It was his L6060 that made me want a grand L and between that and his 65hp new holland, he often asks to borrow the little L for stuff around the house.

It's a 2019 L3301 HST w/ LA525 loader, ssqa bucket, 4wd, R4s, and 290 hrs. Shes minty fresh. Also got matching canopy for her.

He said several times messing with me he'll pay whatever I ask, within reason. Which is why im making this post. What's a fair price for the ole girl. I owe nothing on her and right now checking our local marketplace bulletin there's nothing similar for me go by. Googled around alittle bit and saw other places, auctions and what not.

18k jumps out to me pretty quick. Want to take care of him but not cut my head off in the process.

What do y'all think?
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
$18k seems low to me given the condition, low hours and a cost of around $33k for a similar new L3302. $22k to $24k seems fair to me.
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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
Neighbor is hounding me for our 3301. We talked about this a couple years ago when I was then about to pull the trigger on a grand L but didn't.

But now I think the time has come. He's an awesome neighbor who is in desperate need of a smaller machine. It was his L6060 that made me want a grand L and between that and his 65hp new holland, he often asks to borrow the little L for stuff around the house.

It's a 2019 L3301 HST w/ LA525 loader, ssqa bucket, 4wd, R4s, and 290 hrs. Shes minty fresh. Also got matching canopy for her.

He said several times messing with me he'll pay whatever I ask, within reason. Which is why im making this post. What's a fair price for the ole girl. I owe nothing on her and right now checking our local marketplace bulletin there's nothing similar for me go by. Googled around alittle bit and saw other places, auctions and what not.

18k jumps out to me pretty quick. Want to take care of him but not cut my head off in the process.

What do y'all think?
View attachment 148359
HST or manual transmission? I come up with a little over $30k for a new L3302 with gear drive and ~$1500 more for HST which is more desirable. At 18 you should be his friend for life.

Edit: you could ask your dealer what he'd give on trade-in. That'll be on the low end of market price.
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MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
Check out the current price new for a L3302, then ask 80%.
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
Check out the current price new for a L3302, then ask 80%.
Good strategy. (y)For a nice tractor I feel that 75% of equivalent new is a good place to start. Warranties play a part too as does financing for many. By the way, I priced the L3902 but edited my earlier post and corrected it for the L3302.
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L3560HSTC-LE LA555 FDR1672 BB1272 SoldL3301HST
Jul 12, 2024
Terry, MS
HST or manual transmission? I come up with a little over $30k for a new L3302 with gear drive and ~$1500 more for HST which is more desirable. At 18 you should be his friend for life.

Edit: you could ask your dealer what he'd give on trade-in. That'll be on the low end of market price.

LOL, he is a good friend and even better neighbor.

Good strategy. (y)For a nice tractor I feel that 75% of equivalent new is a good place to start. Warranties play a part too as does financing for many. By the way, I priced the L3902 but edited my earlier post and corrected it for the L3302.
I agree. I know 5+ years ago the tractor (without loader) was a touch over 18k. Of course with the loader, ssqa, box blade and finishing mower I was in her (i think) at touch over 30k.

Then, a few years ago, when i first thought of trading, the tractor dealer offered me $18,500. I figured then
they'd probably sell her 25k+.

Thank you so much for y'alls input and advice. I atleast got something to go on now.
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
LOL, he is a good friend and even better neighbor.
Sometimes neighbors, friends or family think that there should be a "friends and family rate", which is often true, but on the other side of that is the reduction in risk buying something with a known history of use and service. Buying a tractor from someone you know can be a safer choice over buying from a stranger and so it's not unreasonable to pay more for it.

Obviously you want to agree on a price that works for both of you, but your neighbor most likely has a good sense of who you are, and how you maintain, use and look after equipment etc. It's worth paying more than the "friend's a family" price for that peace of mind, at least it is to me.
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L3560HSTC-LE LA555 FDR1672 BB1272 SoldL3301HST
Jul 12, 2024
Terry, MS
Sometimes neighbors, friends or family think that there should be a "friends and family rate", which is often true, but on the other side of that is the reduction in risk buying something with a known history of use and service. Buying a tractor from someone you know can be a safer choice over buying from a stranger and so it's not unreasonable to pay more for it.

Obviously you want to agree on a price that works for both of you, but your neighbor most likely has a good sense of who you are, and how you maintain, use and look after equipment etc. It's worth paying more than the "friend's a family" price for that peace of mind, at least it is to me.
That's a very good point. Same for me.
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Jan 2, 2015
Malcolm NE
To me the best place to get a current price on a tractor is Machinery Pete, Tractor House, Auction Time, Big Iron. After a quick Google I think at 18K you are pretty light. I understand the friends and family thing and have sold a lot of bigger ideas to friends over the years because they knew it had been taken care of. That tractor really looks nice I wouldn't take any less than 22K for it even for a friend.
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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
OP, I agree with comments above.

Would you be selling if neighbor didn’t ask?

Clean low hour machine…your initial price may be under valued IMO. Sure seems like a cherry, maybe even a unicorn from pic and description. I’d be cautious not to sell to cheap unless that is what you want to do.

If you want to sell it I think you can name your price. Gonna be hard to beat the hours/condition at that price IMO. Sounds like your neighbor knows that too. Why would anyone buy a B if you can get an L330x for 18k? Those standard Ls are great value.

Let me ask another question….if you sell to your neighbor at your 18k estimate and in 1 month he resells are you ok with that? I don’t know you or your neighbor so that is maybe not appropriate question, but if that would bother you, I’d reconfirm fair market value.

Good luck. That’s a well kept machine you have any somebody will be lucky to get that unicorn.

By the way I had a really good hunting buddy / friend(since passed) that used to always ask me for my truck. Time to sell it I gave him my price, he thought I was kidding and thought (or so he said) it too much, or at least he was trying to yank me lower…anyway I never that thought about and sold to a dealer gave me way more than I was asking. He ended up buying it one week after I sold it to a dealer and paid more than I asked for it. He was bent I sold it to someone (he had first right of refusal) else and he ended up over paying to get my truck….story here is even what I thought it was worth was under valued. It’s worth what someone will buy it for.
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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
swap your l3301 for his l6060.
seems fair to me , he gets what he wants, you get what you want...
shake hands, exchange keys,...
then try explaining the 'deal' you guys made....
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
That's a very good point. Same for me.
Here's a new L3302 for sale at the dealer in Sheridan, WY where I bought the M6060. Cost is $32,950.

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L3560HSTC-LE LA555 FDR1672 BB1272 SoldL3301HST
Jul 12, 2024
Terry, MS
OP, I agree with comments above.

Would you be selling if neighbor didn’t ask?

Clean low hour machine…your initial price may be under valued IMO. Sure seems like a cherry, maybe even a unicorn from pic and description. I’d be cautious not to sell to cheap unless that is what you want to do.

If you want to sell it I think you can name your price. Gonna be hard to beat the hours/condition at that price IMO. Sounds like your neighbor knows that too. Why would anyone buy a B if you can get an L330x for 18k? Those standard Ls are great value.

Let me ask another question….if you sell to your neighbor at your 18k estimate and in 1 month he resells are you ok with that? I don’t know you or your neighbor so that is maybe not appropriate question, but if that would bother you, I’d reconfirm fair market value.

Good luck. That’s a well kept machine you have any somebody will be lucky to get that unicorn.

By the way I had a really good hunting buddy / friend(since passed) that used to always ask me for my truck. Time to sell it I gave him my price, he thought I was kidding and thought (or so he said) it too much, or at least he was trying to yank me lower…anyway I never that thought about and sold to a dealer gave me way more than I was asking. He ended up buying it one week after I sold it to a dealer and paid more than I asked for it. He was bent I sold it to someone (he had first right of refusal) else and he ended up over paying to get my truck….story here is even what I thought it was worth was under valued. It’s worth what someone will buy it for.
If my neighbor wasn't interested, I don't think I'd be selling it. I just can't deal with the public like that. Can't do craigslist, aint been on facebook since like 2010.

I don't reckon I'd be upset if he "eventually" sold it. But, if I sold it to him for 18k (looks like now it'll be around $22 maybe $22,500) and turned around next week and sold her for 25k, well then i guess we wouldn't be good neighbors anymore lol. But i don't believe that's his goal. He is a good ole retired feller that aint never done us wrong. Plus, last year, he definitely put more hours on it than I did.

He is definitely after it for the history, he knows its well kept and maintained. He always gives me hell about how clean the bucket is. I've backdragged the driveway otherwise its never had a scoop of dirt in it. But, it has ran blueberry lanes for 3 1/2 years so the paint is impressively scratched.

But since the arrival of the 3560, if my youngin aint using it, it just sits. And since he got his permit and is a couple months away from getting his license, it just really sits now. To the point several weeks ago (after the neighbor borrowed it) I pulled the canopy off and put her under our raised barn.

So its like, if nows the time, I should probably strike while the irons hot.

Here's a new L3302 for sale at the dealer in Sheridan, WY where I bought the M6060. Cost is $32,950.

Thank you for this. Spent some time googling last night, saw similar ads.

Actually got this months issue of our local marketplace bulletin in yesterday. Had a '20 3901, loader with 440 hours asking 23k. Figuring i'll probably bump up to 22k or so.
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
Thank you for this. Spent some time googling last night, saw similar ads.

Actually got this months issue of our local marketplace bulletin in yesterday. Had a '20 3901, loader with 440 hours asking 23k. Figuring i'll probably bump up to 22k or so.
The L3302 price in Sheridan, WY is before tax so add another $2k to the invoice! Another benefit of a private sale of course is not paying sales tax, although some states try to get their pound of flesh on every transaction.
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MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
If my neighbor wasn't interested, I don't think I'd be selling it. I just can't deal with the public like that. Can't do craigslist, aint been on facebook since like 2010.

I don't reckon I'd be upset if he "eventually" sold it. But, if I sold it to him for 18k (looks like now it'll be around $22 maybe $22,500) and turned around next week and sold her for 25k, well then i guess we wouldn't be good neighbors anymore lol. But i don't believe that's his goal. He is a good ole retired feller that aint never done us wrong. Plus, last year, he definitely put more hours on it than I did.

He is definitely after it for the history, he knows its well kept and maintained. He always gives me hell about how clean the bucket is. I've backdragged the driveway otherwise its never had a scoop of dirt in it. But, it has ran blueberry lanes for 3 1/2 years so the paint is impressively scratched.

But since the arrival of the 3560, if my youngin aint using it, it just sits. And since he got his permit and is a couple months away from getting his license, it just really sits now. To the point several weeks ago (after the neighbor borrowed it) I pulled the canopy off and put her under our raised barn.

So its like, if nows the time, I should probably strike while the irons hot.

Thank you for this. Spent some time googling last night, saw similar ads.

Actually got this months issue of our local marketplace bulletin in yesterday. Had a '20 3901, loader with 440 hours asking 23k. Figuring i'll probably bump up to 22k or so.
Seems too low. Used machines should be based on current sales price minus a percentage for being used based on condition.
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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
Personally I get attached to machines, and even any of the items I lost in the boating accident😉, especially the ones i use and prioritize the maintenance on. To me I think about replacement value same as other tools. And for replacement value, a rational person would not give me what I consider the replacement value…but that’s how I define what something is worth and a good value to me. Everyone values stuff differently. If I am done using something that’s different to me than if i foresee future uses and it is still worth keeping.
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L3560HSTC-LE LA555 FDR1672 BB1272 SoldL3301HST
Jul 12, 2024
Terry, MS
Personally I get attached to machines, and even any of the items I lost in the boating accident😉, especially the ones i use and prioritize the maintenance on. To me I think about replacement value same as other tools. And for replacement value, a rational person would not give me what I consider the replacement value…but that’s how I define what something is worth and a good value to me. Everyone values stuff differently. If I am done using something that’s different to me than if i foresee future uses and it is still worth keeping.
That's kinda how I see it. She was put on the back burner when the 3560 came. And I was done. Done cutting in the 110 degree heat while battling massive horseflies. Done dragging the driveway when it's 30 out (I know that's warm to some of y'all). I can't run them both nor do I want to anymore.

Seems too low. Used machines should be based on current sales price minus a percentage for being used based on condition.
I feel better about the 22k then 18k but I still hear ya.

Either way my neighbor is going to come out good and my wife will come out even better lol. With the amount of repairs/upgrades needed to our 35 year old home, I don't stand a chance at thinking i'm gonna get some concrete laid for my shop :(.
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