Recent content by will721

  1. will721

    Underground storage

    I love gremlins, but agree they are ugly cars. I file them in the so ugly it's cool category. A buddy of mine has one that just sits in storage I've been trying to buy off him for years now. Bright orange with fat tires and even has hideous orange plaid seats. 304 that he blew up last year with...
  2. will721

    Underground storage

    Might as well get used to the idea of owning a "beemer". BMW has gotten their fingers into several automotive brands and many just don't realize it. Prime example, the new Toyota Supra is actually a BMW. Now that MOPAR is owned by the French, the hemi hit the chopping block and is being replaced...
  3. will721

    5 Acres: LX2620 vs LX3520

    Honestly I'm not sure you'll need the hp. I don't running my tiller and doing dirt work. You can always slightly reduce speeds on steep hills but it has never been an issue. There's also several members on here that use a lx2610 with a blower. I would consider lift capacity though. I did as...
  4. will721

    Electric vehicles will be cheaper to produce than gas cars by 2027: report

    Well normal hybrids are much more complicated than gen sets. For instance with my truck you would run a pair of e-axles where the motor would be one complete unit. Which would entirely eliminate the driveline. Using a small diesel like out of a sub 25hp tractor would also eliminate the ignition...
  5. will721

    Electric vehicles will be cheaper to produce than gas cars by 2027: report

    Good to know. I had no idea. My area is nuclear. One of the few left, it was scheduled to be decommissioned but the state refuses to foot the bill for its replacement and there isn't really a solid reliable option for an alternative in the area. On a side note, the way of the near future, I...
  6. will721

    Electric vehicles will be cheaper to produce than gas cars by 2027: report

    The main problem with EV is the same problem as the last "fuel wars" when the automobile was first taking off. They are less convenient and we don't have the infrastructure. Back then we didn't have the infrastructure for gas either but it is much easier to transport a liquid than electricity...
  7. will721

    Anyone ever have a trailer with metal grating for a deck?

    I can chime in on this. I had a 12ft trailer with that type of flooring. By the time I got it, it was nearly 30 years old. Owned by a neighbor, then my dad, then me so I know the entire history of it. I only sold it because it was too small and I regret it every day. Best trailer I ever had and...
  8. will721

    Anyone know of / bought from Catawba Attachments?

    Are all of your products made in house? No outsourcing from other shops or rebranded products? I'm looking at your pallet forks, and the price seems a little too godlod to be true.
  9. will721

    What Government Mandates Save Lives?

    On driving lights, doesn't matter. If someone is distracted while driving, just because you add a few lights I don't think it would make any significant difference. For example, in my younger days I was more of an adrenaline junkie than a cruiser when it came to motorcycles and rode one of those...
  10. will721

    What are they?

    ^This Ford renamed the 9n to the 2n for tax evasion during ww2. They also changed paint color to solid gray and went to steel wheels to conserve rubber for the war effort. They also went to hand crank start for the same reason. Least thats what I've read. Other than that the only real...
  11. will721

    John deere 7130 impossible issue please help.

    Its also possible for a crack in the cylinder head thats opening up at temperature allowing charged air to bleed into the cooling system. Just spitballing here.
  12. will721

    Looking for a new trailer...

    Yeah side railings are pointless imho. I've had a few trailers with them and at the end of the day any benefit they could offer can be achieved with stake pockets, a couple 2x4s and 2x6s. My latest trailer acquisition being a home build has them for tie off points. I plan on cutting them off and...
  13. will721

    Need advice from lumberjacks/lumberjills

    The direction it falls is dependent on how its cut. If you were to cut it straight I'd say it would likely fall south perhaps slightly west judging by what looks to be the majority of mass. Assuming that it doesn't pivot on itself. The key is to control the drop. You can remove limbs to bias...
  14. will721

    Looking for a new trailer...

    I'll be the devils advocate here. So long as length isn't an issue I think you'd do just fine with that trailer. By length I mean how it results in weight distribution. Having the backhoe might make a short trailer off balance. However I would as others have said upgrade axles for better brakes...
  15. will721

    Block vs Oil Pan Heater

    Oil heaters don't really help with engine starting. They save wear and tear once its running as the oil will be thinner and help warm critical wear points. However, because it is just sitting in the pan and not circulating unless the engine is running it doesn't do much. Coolant heaters on the...