Recent content by trial and error

  1. trial and error

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    "OSHA aproved swing putter upper" for the boy, wife was at the loader controls after I lined up the tractor
  2. trial and error

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Finally got around to moving some of the wood pile from the front seasoning stack to the woodshed, over the last few days no pictures of the B with the loaded trailer but I did use the loader to knock over the stack before loading in the trailer before moving to the "burn this year shed. Last...
  3. trial and error

    B7100 Hydraulic oil leaking into crankcase

    I remember doing the clutch last year and buying a 26mm wrench and using a large adjustable wremch for the other one. That was sketchy I think we used the adjustable to put it back together l, but I may have used a socket, I know I didn't have a 29 wrench open or box end
  4. trial and error

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Got my 20x30 "parking area/turn around" put in over the last couple weekends. It still needs final grading as there are some low spots but gotta wait to borrow the york rake from a freind for that. The neighbor came over with his Case 580 TLB and excavated approximately a foot down in the...
  5. trial and error

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Jealous We getting the equivalent in rain
  6. trial and error

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Have I mentioned that having the forks has been a game changer for moving logs, brush not so much, but logs, they are very good at that
  7. trial and error

    Kubota b7100 FEL build on a budget

    Thank you fornthe clarification @North Idaho Wolfman i agree about the excess weight at the front end. But... I'm fairly comfortable with the amount I can move. Our property is mostly flat and the forks worked really well in the fall moving lpgs etc. In my current situation I'm willing to...
  8. trial and error

    Kubota b7100 FEL build on a budget

    I would agree on the backwards plumbing, except it worked fine for the first several months after the build. It's not that I have to hook them up backwards for it to function properly, it's that I have to hook them up backwards for me to be able to dump at all, and the lever runs backwards at...
  9. trial and error

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Put the homemade loader back on so now we will probably get a late March/early blizzard. Also made the homemade "bucket" attach to the homemade fork frame so no more pinning and umpinning between the two
  10. trial and error

    Kubota b7100 FEL build on a budget

    Just put the loader back on (hopefully not more snow) but the idea behind jumping the gun was that I wanted to make the bucket sort of a "quick tach" its crude but functional. The bucket can now hang from the plate that the forks hang from and gets just two bolts through the bottom peice of...
  11. trial and error

    Hoping to get some help with some generic non kubota questions

    Thanks I just wonder if the acetone part will do any damage to the aluminum. Housing but ill do some research seems like it shouldn't Uodate: it won't according to Google lol
  12. trial and error

    Hoping to get some help with some generic non kubota questions

    Quick update. We got the mistubishi tractor moved to its new home today used my b7100 and plow to push it up on the trailer backed up in the new paved driveway and rolled it off. Having the brakes "unstuck" makes that thing roll like a dream. Got the loader off, wish I would've known these...
  13. trial and error

    Hoping to get some help with some generic non kubota questions

    Update: we now have a pile of scrap metal that has four rotating wheels. It still won't go into any gear even without the engine running amd the clutch linkage is still a mystery. However as many of you suggested the brakes where frozen. now we can at least drag a rolling chunk of metal to its...
  14. trial and error

    Hoping to get some help with some generic non kubota questions

    T That was the original plan of its owner. I had actually been interested in it at one time a few years ago strictly fir the loader. I would personally rather see it reused again given that it has a loader on it but we will see