Recent content by torch

  1. torch

    B2400 HST 4wd - Partially stripped bolt housing

    It seems to be discontinued by Loctite. Just what's left in the supply chain now. Make sure you have the hole absolutely clean. Use brake cleaner and a cotton swab repeatedly. I would smear the thinnest of layers inside the hole and apply a layer to the bolt itself (after applying the release...
  2. torch

    B2400 HST 4wd - Partially stripped bolt housing

    I would try a heli-coil there. The other alternative is Loctite's "Form a Thread" repair kit. It's an epoxy that you apply to the hole. Also supplied is a release agent for the bolt. You apply the epoxy and insert the bolt, allowing the epoxy to cure around the bolt threads. The problem in...
  3. torch

    B7100 Hydraulic block diverter (70060-00360 or 70070-00385)

    Bump for those watching the thread. It's March and as promised, I made more. PLEASE REVIEW THE FIRST POST OF THIS THREAD FOR CURRENT PRICING.
  4. torch

    Spring is coming....too early to get out of "Snow Mode"?!?!

    I've seen 25°C on a sunny April 1 and a foot+ of snow two weeks later. The blower doesn't come off until the dragonflies come out.
  5. torch

    Kubota B5100DT 3 point hitch falling

    Thanks for reporting the solution. It will undoubtedly help the next guy.
  6. torch

    Kubota B5100DT 3 point hitch falling

    I believe the piston just floats on top of the piston rod and is not actually attached. The manual says to push the piston up from the bottom, but they are showing it with the entire assembly removed. What happens if you push down on the lift arms? Can you get a little extra motion to pop that...
  7. torch

    Kubota 7001 (7100) brake axle

    I'm in Ontario, Canada so 6 hours behind you. Northidahowolfman is in -- wait for it -- North Idaho. 2 hours behind me. As far as parts interchangability goes, there is a lot in each family that will fit but it depends on the era of manufacture and specific model. For example there are many...
  8. torch

    Kubota 7001 (7100) brake axle

    It's 3am -- what the hell are you doing up at this ungodly hour? <lol> (for the record, I'm leaving for work). EDIT: I guess my 3am is your 1am. Not as bad, but still...
  9. torch

    Kubota 7001 (7100) brake axle

    From the picture, that's a gear drive all right, but for the record my 1994 HST serial number starts "7001". From the picture, I'd guess that is the left side shaft -- part 21 -- rather than the right side. I'm amazed that it could shear off that shaft so clean before stripping the splines. It...
  10. torch

    Kubota 7001 (7100) brake axle

    Don't worry about your English, it's much better than my Flemish. And for the record, it was Wolfman who replied previously. I'm just getting back to you now. Kubota calls that part the differential gear shaft, but some might translate "shaft" as "axle". There are two, one on each side and...
  11. torch

    Kubota 7001 (7100) brake axle

    I wonder if we have an English translation issue here, confusing "Brakes" (the shoes and drum mechanism for stopping the axle from turning) with "Breaks" (past tense: "broken", as in shearing or snapping into more than one piece)? Can you please describe exactly what is failing each time...
  12. torch

    Wiring an electric deflector

    I should have clarified I am talking about blowing deep, heavy snow or re-blowing snow. The lighter duty units work fine in lighter conditions.
  13. torch

    Wiring an electric deflector

    I bought one of those ubiquitous 12v linear actuators and while it worked, found it wasn't strong enough to pull down the chute against a flow of snow in use (had to stop blowing while adjusting it downwards). So then I bought a more powerful one and while it had enough power, it was s-l-o-w in...
  14. torch

    Glow Plugs not heating

    :oops: OOOPS! You are correct -- I misread the schematic. Follow Whitetiger's advice -- he's a Kubota mechanic.
  15. torch

    Power steering, B7100d

    I believe it is a year of manufacture thing, not a model specific thing. Early B7100's did not have a hydraulic block but I believe all the later ones did, HST or no.