Recent content by sheepfarmer

  1. sheepfarmer

    Daily Chuckle

    We have an overpass in Lansing called Big Penny.. munches trucks up pretty regularly.!1s0x8822c10065c2ffeb:0x1b22648848cdebd3&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipOQxNXRx59L04QpQjeRU__YF0qBlYrhkgMxvT0&cr=tp_14&gsas=1
  2. sheepfarmer

    What's cookin' boys?

    I believe my kitchen floor will have similar character. I replaced the linoleum with black walnut from my place. I was told it was relatively soft and it is. Plenty of dings. But I love all the colors when the light hits it in the morning. I stained mine dark to match the wooden pegs in the...
  3. sheepfarmer

    Daily Chuckle

    Yup. A perforated lid for the cleanout would have done it. Just to keep the kids from dropping rocks down it..
  4. sheepfarmer

    Daily Chuckle

    Boy does that ring a bell! I stupidly volunteered to be on a building committee for a group I belong to, and our old building, old school house, had a clogged underground drain carrying rainwater from the roof to what turns out to be an unknown destination. One of my fellow building...
  5. sheepfarmer

    Michigan Deer

    There are a surplus. Please come on over during deer season and help yourself.
  6. sheepfarmer


    Thanks guys, I am hanging in there, way too much time in doctor's offices though, think of you all often and wonder how everyone is doing. Still have my tractors and trying to track down someone to swap off the snowblower for the mower deck for me so I can mow in air-conditioned comfort. I...
  7. sheepfarmer

    Was this luck or skill?

    Or he learned from the same school as a friend of a friend of mine. My friend needed a CL to haul his horses with a big truck, and so got his buddy who was a commercial truck driver to teach him. One who had several plaques for having driven hundreds of thousands of accident free miles. Any...
  8. sheepfarmer

    What's cookin' boys?

    Sounds pretty great, maybe I could divide by 33.....although I've heard it doesn't quite work that way with baked goods..
  9. sheepfarmer

    The Eclipse

    Some of us will take fun whenever we can find it! Love your time lapse!
  10. sheepfarmer

    Daily Chuckle

    I got kind of a funny look when I was trying to explain my goals for physical therapy when I said get up the step on my L tractor.....
  11. sheepfarmer

    B2650 stalls out when pressing pedal or engaging PTO???

    It is how your rear is engaging with the seat switch. It is a pad velcro'd to the back of the seat. Do you have a down coat on? I have put a thin piece of Styrofoam under mine. Since I regrettably gained about 10 lbs, I don't have as much difficulty. Also it doesn't like really cold weather.
  12. sheepfarmer

    Mouse victory

    It's a small hassle but I keep my barn cat employees alive by keeping them shut in the barn. Owls, coyotes, eagles, bobcats and this is the suburbs! When the big sliding doors are open I keep them shut in the tack room. They are fed in there so easy to do, just shake the crunchy container...
  13. sheepfarmer

    What's cookin' boys?

    It is a combined heating element and water circulator. The pot is one I happened to have. Any container that is deep enough to cover the device will work. I use clothes pins to fasten ziploc bags to the edge and keep the meat submerged. Or you can weight it down with something. They sell...
  14. sheepfarmer

    What's cookin' boys?

    Thank you I was wondering about trying a little liquid smoke. I have a brisket in the freezer, but too big for the sous vide. Need to find someone with a smoker nearby. The sous vide is pretty easy, lots of recipes giving Temps, times, etc. Most call for a quick sear after it is done...
  15. sheepfarmer

    What's cookin' boys?

    The kind I have is an Anova model 500-10. There are lots of kinds, but I didn't particularly want to run mine off my phone. This one has on off, time, and temperature controls, all I need. I got mine at a local kitchen shop for about $100.