Recent content by pigdoc

  1. pigdoc

    One for the Wall of Shame

    Yes, Hugo, it doesn't surprise me that there was so much water in the tank. I started her up at dawn last Monday, to clear the 8 inches we got Sunday night into Monday. Ran for a few seconds and died, starved for fuel. Did my thing with the hot water in the hand sprayer on the fuel line from...
  2. pigdoc

    L2550 - Hard starting at all temps

    One thing to keep in mind is that the D-1402 engine in your L2550 is a direct injection engine. Since I've had my L2500, with its D-1403 indirect injection engine, I've been amazed at how easily it starts, in any weather, even the coldest. That's in GREAT contrast to the freshly rebuilt 12V...
  3. pigdoc

    Tire ballast choices

    Seriously, I believe the raw material is a by-product of the sugar beet industry, which is BIG in North Dakota and Manitoba. It's not particularly sweet or sticky, so I would guess that it's the manufacturing waste after the sugar has been extracted. It probably has no real value, until it's...
  4. pigdoc

    Tire ballast choices

    After some dickering, I paid $4 per gallon for the Rimguard I recently installed myself. On another note, did you know that ONE teaspoon of ethylene glycol, consumed by a cat, is enough to kill it? Happens quickly, within 24 hours. Nasty death, too. The treatment? Everclear alcohol, in the...
  5. pigdoc

    SSQA adapter

    Loader on my L2500 is a LB400. Did the search, and I would say that $800 (plus shipping) is beyond what I'd want to pay. But, that's what I would pay my son to fab one up for me! He's busy with much more interesting stuff...(metalbycharlie on Instagram). -P
  6. pigdoc

    What's your fuel consumption like?

    I'd just say, check your crankcase oil level. Bosch injector pump seals do not like excessive pump pressure. When the seals blow, the injector pump can start pumping fuel into the crankcase, raising the oil level above normal. Not sure if your tractor has a lift-pump, and if the feed to the...
  7. pigdoc

    SSQA adapter

    Hi folks, My FEL bucket looks like swiss cheese. To me, it doesn't make sense to simply replace the bucket. I'd like to capture the ability to mount different implements on the FEL. I see a lot of innovative pieces these days, all with female SSQA brackets on them. And, I see lots of SSQA...
  8. pigdoc

    Click click click

    I have the distinct impression that starter voltage is a critical issue on all Kubotas. The batteries in both my tractors are a few years old, and gradually lose their charge between use. I'm in the habit of planning for 3-4 hours of battery charge time before I want to use either of them...
  9. pigdoc

    BX25D Melted taillight socket/housing

    Son's Christmas present to me this year was an LED lightbar for my ROP. Can't wait to get that bad boy bolted up, but still waiting on a couple of custom brackets [No-drill clamps]. -P
  10. pigdoc

    BX25D Melted taillight socket/housing

    Two words: Bad Ground. -Paul
  11. pigdoc

    One for the Wall of Shame

    Oh, and I haven't noticed an issue with diesel fuel gelling in this area until it gets below 10F. It was in the mid- to upper 20s today. [Been driving a Cummins diesel for 20 years.] -P
  12. pigdoc

    One for the Wall of Shame

    Oh, it was water. Inside of the filter looked like the top of an ice cube. And, after I started irrigating with hot water, my catch bucket had a nice layer of water from the fuel line laying on the bottom of it, fuel floating on top. It only took about a quart of hot water, streamed on the...
  13. pigdoc

    One for the Wall of Shame

    Hi guys, Hadn't run the L2500 for months, so I was getting it ready for tomorrow's predicted 6 inches. Charged the battery, it started right up, ran for a few seconds, then quit. Tried a couple more times, same result. Figured it was the fuel filter. Picked up a new fuel filter this morning, a...
  14. pigdoc

    Rim Guard: home installation

    'nother afterthought. I've bought cast iron wheel weights many times in the past, and from that experience, I'll typically expect to spend about $1 per pound. Guess what, the Rim Guard is only 40 cents a pound! -P
  15. pigdoc

    Rim Guard: home installation

    Oh, good idea! That was my thinking on the dual valve stem afterthought that I had... But, I wanted to do this 'on the cheap' to offset the markup on the Rim Guard. Lots of videos on youtube of guys rigging up generic pumps to move tire ballast. But, I didn't have a suitable pump, and didn't...