Recent content by muttbarker

  1. muttbarker

    Zerk Fitting question

    Thanks! Actually did not know that.
  2. muttbarker

    Zerk Fitting question

    It does not rotate. Thx
  3. muttbarker

    Zerk Fitting question

    Wow! Thanks everyone for the great suggestions. I went from banging my head against the wall to having multiple solutions. I am going to go with a 90 degree coupler cause I can get one ASAP and I have several fittings that I have that issue with. But I think long term when I go and do an off...
  4. muttbarker

    Zerk Fitting question

    Howdy - I have a question regarding Zerk fittings. I have Kubota snowblower and am having an issue with properly greasing a Zerk fitting. As per the first photo shown the fitting is partially blocked by the lip of a piece of the frame. I have several LockNLube couplers (one sample shown) but...
  5. muttbarker

    Attachment to use with the Kubota L4455A subframe

    Hey Jay - Thanks for the reply. I am coming up empty on my web searches and also on the Kubota website using 4 point hitch, K-Connect, etc. Wondered if you had any links for that snow blade? I will continue to dig and I appreciate your telling me that there should be a solution out there. Kevin
  6. muttbarker

    Attachment to use with the Kubota L4455A subframe

    Howdy - I use the Kubota L4455A subframe with my Kubota L4479 snowblower. It works just fine but sometimes for down and dirty work it would be great to have a snow pusher or snowplow blade on the front. Been searching the web and coming up empty. Wondered if any of you fine folk had a solution...
  7. muttbarker

    Starting and seat

    I often start my L4060 when I am outside the machine with no issues. Perhaps you inadvertently had the PTO engaged? It won't run if the PTO is engaged and you are not in the seat.
  8. muttbarker

    Major issue with hydaulic lines

    Thx for the suggestion. Yes, I do have an excavator and I could use it. I could also take off the blower and the front quick hitch and mount the FEL and bucket. But that is truly last ditch. I have no place to move the snow. The well will be at the end of ½ mile road and as you know snow is...
  9. muttbarker

    Major issue with hydaulic lines

    Howdy - somehow I did something really stupid. I have to clear a 100' by 100' patch of ground that is covered in four to five feet of snow as I have a company coming to drill a well early next week. I am using a front mounted snow blower. I have to make multiple passes as it is a combination of...
  10. muttbarker

    Stupid Tractor Newbie question about snow depth

    I wish, when I did buy it the lead time on a hydraulically controlled was forever. Bought a manual blade but will replace it next year with a hydraulic which will make it more efficient (and easier on my old body).
  11. muttbarker

    Stupid Tractor Newbie question about snow depth

    Snowman - thanks for that comment. Last year I was not able to get a back blade in time for the snow. So it was the blower and the excavator. This year I have a blade and it is a lifesaver. Using it constantly with the blower.
  12. muttbarker

    Stupid Tractor Newbie question about snow depth

    BTW - I currently live in Park City as I build my future house on the property I have been referring to. My backyard butts up to Deer Valley and I just learned that we have passed the 40 foot mark on snow this season having received a total snowfall of 485 inches after our latest storm...
  13. muttbarker

    Here Kitty kitty

    We live in Northern Utah, and have lots of nocturnal visitors including mountain lions and bobcats. Usually you just get a tiny glimpse of them but early this morning my security camera caught a bobcat up close and personal as the cat walked over what should be (if not for all the snow) an eight...
  14. muttbarker

    Dirt Dog attachments

    I bought the six foot RC105 from Good Works Tractors. Very well made, locally down in Georgia. I am still quite ignorant about all things tractor and had some issue with it (stupid newbie install thing). Contacted them and they were super helpful. No regrets over buying it.