Recent content by mountndew1

  1. M

    What a dilima??? My sexy little tractor isn't what it seems...

    Nor am I. You pay a lot of money for new equipment the least they can do is proviede a hard copy of a user/owners manual. Who wants to be outside looking at a certain situation with a tiny little phone screen or a laptop or ipad?
  2. M

    ZLi-225-D 4wheel drive

    I ent you some info to your email. Look forward to hearing what you think.
  3. M

    What a dilima??? My sexy little tractor isn't what it seems...

    Absolutley I get it. That would have been kinda cool actually.
  4. M

    What a dilima??? My sexy little tractor isn't what it seems...

    lol yup it was a while back when I just wanted books for the thing. Now I NEED the books after all this time. lol
  5. M

    ZLi-225-D 4wheel drive

    I just sent you a spec sheet I found a few yrs ago
  6. M

    ZLi-225-D 4wheel drive

    I jsut found your email info I will try to send you the videos there. Thanks And as for the manuals I wanted pictures more than anything. :O)
  7. M

    ZLi-225-D 4wheel drive

    That is a manual that I bought. However, they didn't send me the link to download it I paid for the pdf. Ok I will get you pictures of it tomorrow. I tried to send you a video but it says its to big so I am trying to pull a few pics from that to send. But I will have good pics tomorrow. Thank...
  8. M

    ZLi-225-D 4wheel drive

    Sorry about the lack of details. I guess I really wasn't expecting anyone to actually respond. My bad. it's going to need the air filter housing and I'm sure I can get an air filter that will work. There is something that melted on the top that can't be made out and I don't remember having any...
  9. M

    ZLi-225-D 4wheel drive

    I have the tractor named in the thread. My welder caught it on fire and now I need some parts. Never had to do anything besides and oil filter which was a feet all in itself and a starter, two front tires and a fuel filter which was another whole process. So now I may need a wire harness and the...
  10. M

    What a dilima??? My sexy little tractor isn't what it seems...

    Thank you info. I will most much for definitely check it out. Believe it or not, I have been searching for this for over a year. Those numbers are exactly what is on the tractor. And your are absolutely right, it is very difficult to find the books on this thing. I am from the US. I will...
  11. M

    What a dilima??? My sexy little tractor isn't what it seems...

    I have a z L1225-D I have spent way to much on service manuals. None of them are for my tractor. The motor has stamped on it D1462-D1 But supposedly the L1225 should have the D1100. NOT! If anyone can help me figure out which manuals I should be getting it would be highly appreciated. I have...