Recent content by just plain bob

  1. J

    hydraulics freezing up

    i'll look into it thanks
  2. J

    hydraulics freezing up

    always change the filters
  3. J

    hydraulics freezing up

    moving south is in the future but for now, I park it in an unheated barn at night, I don't remember what the last oil I bought was but the kubota dealer here said it was the best - it was the most expensive too. I did a quick google on the hyd oil res breather and still have no idea on what you...
  4. J

    hydraulics freezing up

    I use my L3400 365 days a year. In the winter, the hydraulics gel making the steering a work out and the front end loader non existent. I've been told that there is water in the lines. I change the fluid annually but still have the same problem. Any suggestions? thanks