Recent content by jkrubi12

  1. J

    BX2812A Snowplow install onto B2601

    Thank you for replying to my thread! :) P.S.: I asked my dealer about those clips myself as we were loading the blade into the back of my truck! 😁
  2. J

    BX2812A Snowplow install onto B2601

    Those clip-looking devices are apparently used to prevent the blade from tripping when pushing denser material, like dirt.
  3. J

    BX2812A Snowplow install onto B2601

    While exploring new snow removal options I finally settled on a snowplow setup for my '22 B2601 TLB. I contacted my dealer early Dec '24 and was able to acquire a BX2812A blade, B3410 K-Connect setup & BX2825 skid shoes for the blade, picked up early Jan '25. Install went very well and the setup...
  4. J

    BH92 Backhoe Dolly

    Nice pics, nice BH, GREAT design & construction. Gonna paint it? Never seen 'double dollies' like yours👍
  5. J

    Kubota ordering system outage coming?

    I would guess that such a major 'upgrade' will also involve new hardware. I wonder if dealers have been advised to look into new soft/hardware for their outlets. :unsure:
  6. J

    So how often to grease the snow blower?

    I grease the rest of the tractor @ 10 hours so I tend to grease whatever is attached at that time. For a snowblower I would recc'd spraying all surfaces with thin, light silicone-based lube that drives moisture off the surfaces (make sure they're cool first) after finishing work & storing.
  7. J

    Pros and cons of snow removal options

    NEWS FLASH.....Just spoke w/my dealer and it looks like I may have a new snow plow setup for my Kubota B2601 in the very near future. I've been using an ATV w/60" plow for over 20 years but the ATV has some sort of electrical short which has baffled me so I need to move on. I've settled on a...
  8. J

    B2601 shuts off after PTO has been engaged

    Welcome to the forum @Dave16....I would respectfully suggest that before you go and try any of the above-mentioned suggestions involving wiring, re-wiring, or testing; it seems pretty obvious to me that if the tractor is new, it would most likely be properly wired. The seat has a safety...
  9. J

    FEL legs on b2601

    No problems with mine yet; by looking at your picture it's pretty easy to tell which leg is 'left' and 'right' :oops:
  10. J

    Ironcraft Flail Mowers

    Iggy, welcome to the forum....Try a search here on the Ironcraft 'cuz I remember a forum member asking questions about those products, it turned into an informative thread. (y)
  11. J

    Orange tractor salvage yards in New England?

    I would contact some nearby dealers and see if they know of any such 'boneyards'. I'm pretty sure there must be some 'tractor gold in them hills' somewhere! :)
  12. J

    Quick Hitch

    My apologies, Chad D. has it right, it's the QH15 with the adjustable top hook(y)
  13. J

    Quick Hitch

    For your BX2680 (great tractor BTW(y)) why not check FB Marketplace for a good used Land Pride QH05 (non-adjustable top hook) or QH10 (adjustable top hook). Either would work well with your tractor, both are regularly seen for sale (esp QH05) on Marketplace.
  14. J

    What Do People Do With The Loose Hyd Fitting Covers?

    I found these on Amazon and they work very nicely; used on 3rd function fittings and grapple connectors too.
  15. J

    woodland mills wc88 chipper assembly review

    I've got a WC-68 that I purchased lightly used. The 'ledge' you described was present on my machine when I acquired it. I completely loosened, adjusted and carefully reassembled the entire feed chute assembly, carefully positioning and tightening bolts until I had eliminated the 'ledge' you...