Recent content by gabelmatt

  1. G

    B2789 Snowblower Issue

    I run it almost revved right out. Even in light snow it doesn't throw it to far. Ive seen videos online with the same blower and it seems like they are going twice as far as mine will
  2. G

    B2789 Snowblower Issue

    Hey guys, I have a BX2360 with a B2789 rear mount snow blower and the problem Im having is it seems to not blow snow very far at all. My question is weather this is normal? And if so is there any changes I can do to the gears to help this at all? Thanks
  3. G

    T2740 On A GR2120

    Just wondering if anyone knows if a Kubota T2740 Snow Blower will fit on a GR2120? Or if there is anyway it can be modified to fit.Thanks