Recent content by Eldubya

  1. E

    Starter relay / solenoid / ignition ???

    Thanks NIW. I failed to mention that I'd tried all of those. "Great minds think alike!"
  2. E

    Starter relay / solenoid / ignition ???

    Greetings all! Long time member, but haven't been active for a while cause my machine just works so damn well! Here's the deets: 2008 B7800 Started it yesterday with no issues, and it just died while idling. It has never done this before. WTF? :eek: Try to start, gives me a good solid "click"...
  3. E

    Hydraulic fluid change

    Hey all! I've got a B7800 that's just come up to the 300 hour service interval, which includes changing the hydraulic fluid in the tranny. Drained the rear plug and got gallons of old fluid, but when I pulled the plug on the front portion I only got dribbles. Is that normal? Also, is there a...
  4. E

    Loader in float position?

    I always just raise and lower the bucket, curl it in and out as I'm driving out of the yard. Seems to warm it up quick enough.
  5. E

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Was falling a 70' tree that I was fairly sure was going to go in the direction I wanted... well, it didn't! leaned back against another tree, and pinched my saw bar pretty good. Kubota to the rescue! Wrapped a line around it as high as I could, fed it around another tree to give me the...
  6. E

    B-7800 No Headlights

    I have a B7800 as well,and the stock lights are garbage. I mounted some LED floods on the ROPS using Zap-straps, works great! Nice and high so the FEL doesn't get in the way all the time.
  7. E

    Your Tractor's Name?

    My wife came up with "the little orange whore". - Because I spent more time on it than her.:D
  8. E

    New member B7800

    I have a B7800 as well with the BH75 hoe on it. Very happy with it for the years I've had it. Only two things on my wish-list. 1. A hydraulic, rather than mechanical thumb. 2. A quick detach bucket so I could switch between bucket sizes, and a clean-up bucket.
  9. E

    Does Your ROPS Wiggle

    My ROPS was loose and shaking around from day 1. All bolts are tight and snug, it's just the design of the thing. (B7800) I just made a couple of wedges out of hardwood and tapped them into the gaps at the hinge point and Viola! No more noise and rattling around. No drilling or messing with the...
  10. E

    Leaving Valve in Float for Long Time

    Guess I'm a creature of habit. I still block up my 8000lb boat in the fall to take pressure off of the leaf-springs.
  11. E

    Problem with septic tank risers. Need advice

    Agreed! I was advised by a septic specialist that even after pumping out a tank, it should be filled with water (to prevent it 'floating'. ) Again, if it's a holding tank, that's a different story.
  12. E

    Small Engine Question

    Doesn't sound to me like the plug would have anything to do with it. sounds like a fuel delivery issue. When it starts it burns through the fuel in the carb bowl and likely isn't getting replenished quickly enough so it dies. Check your fuel lines from the tank to the carb, make sure there are...
  13. E

    Backhoe storage and outriggers

    Easiest and simplest. Fab up a couple of support blocks/frames, whatever and you are good to go.
  14. E

    B7800 Idle Speed

    Greetings all! I have a '08 B7800. I feel that the idle speed is higher than necessary on it. Two Questions: 1- Can I adjust it down a touch and how to do that? 2 - Can that do any harm to the motor?
  15. E

    Game Processing

    Up here in the Pacific Northwest, Vancouver Island, our deer are TINY! I shot a 3-point a couple of weeks ago, ground the whole thing into burger, adding about 20% pork fat and netted a whopping 24 pounds! There are lots of them though and that's why we have a three deer bag limit here. :)