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  • My Kubota B5200 has a problem. The throttle lever no longer will stay "on" eg. In position. It slips back to low unless I hold it in position. I have checked the throttle pedal-see no problem with functioning, have lubed all of the various joint fittings. I have checked the the place where the linkage attaches to the engine block, and that nut is tight.
    I did have problems this past winter with the throttle staying on even though I pulled the throttle level back to slow speed. There seemed to be a problem with the throttle pedal, and to slow the engine after I pulled the throttle level back, I could correct the situation by lifting the throttle pedal with my toe. But now, that problem has corrected itself, and instead, the throttle lever won't stay in position.
    Looking for help here. Thanks for reading. Any help will be appreciated.
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