Recent content by ButchB

  1. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    I'm in the helicopter business. I have two of these 2530's, which came from a European operation that used them as tow tractors. Almost identical to a B2630. Yesterday I made up a gauge and hooked it to the A port. Actuated the Aux valve lever and it pressurized to 2,200. The lever selected in...
  2. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    I get that the hydraulic outlet block gets a constant flow, (pressure), from the pump, (through the Aux control valve. The installed lever I'm referring to, ( second post pix), controls/ actuates the Aux control valve, which is installed. I am attaching the diagram again to this post. I see...
  3. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    Thanks for the prompt reply. Here is a pix of the actuator lever on the tractor, which is (1) in the upper diagram on previous post. I don't know what hoq is.
  4. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    Well, after weeks of determining fitting threads, etc, I plumbed the cylinder into the rear hydraulic outlet, as depicted in the WSM. That didn't work. Digging deeper, I think that the rear outlet just provides one way pressure to an implement. (Second Pix). The first pix shows the flow from...
  5. ButchB

    Need B2601 3 Point Hitch

    I have some of the major kit parts( new), and live in Phoenix if your still in the market.
  6. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    Thanks Dan. Do you have an opinion on the neeed for a flow restrictor?
  7. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    There are no installed QC couplers. Here is what is on the tractor: See pix on first post. Here is rear outlet description from WSM
  8. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    My plan logic, which may be wrong, is to supply pressure from the factory installed rear remote valve, (second pix), to the diverter so I can select either the top cylinder or the tilt cylinder. I need to attach P/N 40, ( IPC diagram), to the valve outlet to attach hoses from the valve to...
  9. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    Diverter Valve Pix attached. Ports are 3/8 BSPP. Discovered the AG 5675 couplers I ordered for the diverter block, ( the hoses that came with cylinder have male 1/2 AG coupler threaded to 1/2 M BSPP hose end), interfere with each other about .100 when threaded to the diverter. I'm considering...
  10. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    Sorry about the lag in response to Dan, am working out on the road and didn't have my password. The hydraulic block in the question, P/N 40, bolts onto the rear outlet when the diamond shaped cover is removed. It has 2 tapped holes for the hose fittings and two drilled holes to secure it to the...
  11. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    Thanks for your input. It confirms what I mostly concluded after 2 days on the net researching. As an example, one reference said you could not mix BSPT and BSPP. The IPC (pix on first post) adapters (20), are tapered and worked OK on my loader install. So that confused things. A majority of...
  12. ButchB

    Pipe thread puzzle

    I'm installing a top and tilt on my B2530, very similar to a B2630. I've been through all the threads and I think I have a plan, but the "little things" are tripping me up. It has a factory rear remote valve and block at the rear. (See pics) I purchased a diverter from Spare Parts Holland and a...
  13. ButchB

    BKT Tires

    Needed to replace factory front turfs, 24x8.50x12, ( Bridgestone 4PR), which are no longer available. After agonizing over the sizing ratio and different manufacturer's availability, I decided on BKT 6 PR, 23x8.50x12. These are offered in several PR's, and seem to be a better quality than some...
  14. ButchB

    24x9.50-12 recommendations

    I need to replace my 24x8.5-12 turfs, which apparently are no longer made. I have done the computations and I think the 24x9.50-12's will work. The Carlisle Turfmaster seems to be the most prevalent, but I have some on my garden tractor and am concerned they may not be rugged enough for...
  15. ButchB

    LA435 Loader Dimensions

    Correction F=30.25