Recent content by Big Kahuna

  1. B

    Kubota Sickle Bar Mid-Mount Hydraulic Driven 46"

    New knives, new bolts , new bearing on flywheel weight, new heim joint new cutter drive bar, sandblasted and repainted OEM colors. new hoses, new control valve, New decals. Fits B6100 and B7100 but would easily fit any sub-compact tractor. Asking $1200 Location western Pennsylvania
  2. B

    L3010HST no start

    I'm thinking battery shorted out, somewhere a fuse should have blowen
  3. B

    L3010HST no start

    All back together and safety switches working, I'm thinking it was the battery that took it out,
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    L3010HST no start

    I installed a new starter relay and a start to run timer relay, bypassed both safety switches and she fired right up. It's in a heated garage now and will check the safety switches out and put the dash back together. Hey thanks for all the help, Merry Christmas.
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    L3010HST no start

    Did that, that's how I ended up with a new starter
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    L3010HST no start

  7. B

    L3010HST no start

    Volt meter came today, brake safety switch working, pto bypassed for now, battery cables replaced 4 years ago, I do have issues with the fuse holder, but don't think that's my problem, but could be wrong, going get back into soon. oh no seat switch on it.
  8. B

    L3010HST no start

    Turn key on, glow plugs cycle light goes out turn to start postion lights on dash dim like it's sending power to starter, have test light hooked up at black exciter wire on starter no power there? Clutch switch by passed for now with a jumper. Key switch cleaned and tested with light, checks out.
  9. B

    L3010HST no start

    No crank at all I am terrible with electrical and replaced what I thought was needed, I am wrong, bit complex machine for me to understand
  10. B

    L3010HST no start

    Battery was 8 years old so I replaced it with a new one, still no start. checked all wires, jumped starter and solenoid would not engage,, new starter, still no start? Fuses are good, key switch reads good, bypassed clutch safety switch, ordered new starter relay, what am I missing???
  11. B

    F2880 fuel issues

    New lift pump, both filters replaced, was wondering if these "F" had issues, Fuel line in tank can move around on the bottom?
  12. B

    F2880 fuel issues

    Pulled the line off to the injector pump and turned key on, fuel pumps easy with no hesitation. Again, I am lost?
  13. B

    F2880 fuel issues

    Thought that too, can't find a rag either.
  14. B

    F2880 fuel issues

    Have a F2880 that starves for fuel if you do a fast turn or get on a hilly slope. Tank can be full or empty, both filters replaced and even a new fuel pump, I'm lost.