Recent content by 1compact

  1. 1

    HD top link brackets

    I have a number of new/new take off Kubota heavy duty/backhoe top link brackets for sale. I can send pics and measurements from them. I have had them around a while, time to clean out the garage. Some were marked, and I used the B4672/B4690 operator manual and parts books for identification...
  2. 1

    HD/backhoe top link brackets

    Parts are now listed on eBay. No longer available for purchase with this ad. I can't figure out how to delete this ad. Tim
  3. 1

    HD/backhoe top link brackets

    I have a number of new/new take off Kubota heavy duty/backhoe top link brackets for sale. I can send pics and measurements from them. I have had them around a while, time to clean out the garage. Some were marked, and I used the B4672/B4690 operator manual and parts books for identification...
  4. 1

    L2850 wiring question

    Hi, does anyone have a wiring diagram available for an L2850DT please? Helping out a friend that tried to jumpstart it backwards. Fried the fusible link. I see I need to replace the rotted positive battery cable. While looking it over, I found there is a wire hooked to the existing pos...
  5. 1

    BX front turf wheels/tires

    I have a set of what appear to be new/new take off Kubota BX60 or BX70? series front wheels and tires. They are Carlisle 18x8.50-10 tires. Still have the nubs, wheels still have paint at the lug holes. Asking $100 for the pair. New Carlisle tires like these sell for an average of $60 just...
  6. 1

    L2900 Glow Plug sensor?

    It's more likely the glow controller, behind the dash.
  7. 1

    L48 front pump failure

    Tractor is still sitting - haven't come up with anything, and the owner doesn't want to drop almost a $1000 on a pump, just to ruin it again. A place called Atlantic Hydraulics was friendly and helpful with it. They are a Hitachi dealer - I tried them because the pump was made by Hitachi. I...
  8. 1

    L48 front pump failure

    I have heard of another L48 that was blowing the seal out of the main pump input shaft. It is still being worked on, and the cause is yet unknown. It sounds like it could be a similar root problem to this one I am working on - relief valve or backpressure problem? Any ideas? Thanks.
  9. 1

    L48 front pump failure

    I am helping out with an L48 with around 2300 hours that has failed 4 front main pumps over the last year and 300 or so hours of use. The first 3 lasted about 2 hours each. The driven gear in the main pump eats into its support bushings and into the housing, causing a loss of flow and...