Recent content by 07wingnut

  1. 07wingnut

    Interesting data on Engine wear vs prefilled vs non filled oil filter changes.

    While I won't lean one way or the other, there is the fact that oil in a filter flows from the outside to the inside. When prefilling that filter, you better make sure that no contaminants enter, because when you install the filter and start the engine, they have a straight shot at all your...
  2. 07wingnut

    Three point trailer hitch

    This one also was made of on site scrap iron, except of course for the winch.
  3. 07wingnut

    Seat Safety Switch Bypass

    There are numerous reasons for wanting a bypass switch on tractors. I remember a neighbor with a spanking brand new McCormic tractor getting ready to roll up about 200 bales before the rain came and the tractor wouldn't start. Turns out it was his seat switch, but because it being a Sunday, and...
  4. 07wingnut

    Seat Safety Switch Bypass

    Hey, I have a switch that bypasses all the safety switches and I would have voted for Kamala in a heartbeat if I lived south of the 49th.
  5. 07wingnut

    BX2230 air filter

    Don't know what kubota calls it, but technically it is a duck billed check valve. I know you can get them for kubota on Amazon pretty cheap.
  6. 07wingnut

    BX1870 Questions

    You may have noticed while rowing thru the many post on this site, that a common ailment is lack of fuel flow to the engine due to garbage in the fuel tank. If you value your time, get one of those filters because down the line it could save you a lot of headache.
  7. 07wingnut

    BX Broken Air Filter Strap Solution?

    I have owned a BX23 for about 10 years now and for the first three years that filter housing strap had to be rewelded every year. Finally, fed up with the bad design and constant rewelding, this is what seemed to work for the last seven years. While the sides panels are off, here is the...
  8. 07wingnut

    Oil pressure light on

    How did it die? Suddenly, or slowly, like it was under load (ie oil starvation). The two incidents may be unrelated. Get mechanical oil pressure gauge that you know is good and install it. You should get oil pressure just from cranking the engine, even if it doesn't start. If you observe...
  9. 07wingnut

    How many hours on a typical Kubota diesel before rebuild or replace

    My 8kw light tower is powered by a D1105 kubota engine. Over 11000 hours so far, and runs like its new.
  10. 07wingnut

    Seat Safety Switch - A SOLUTION

    The fix that I used on my tractor was to install a switch that bypassed all the safety switches. This may not be possible on many tractors but it is for the BX23. This comes in handy for any number of things, like standing up while working your loader, not having a faulty safety switch put you...
  11. 07wingnut

    dealer prices ??

    When I purchased a used BX23 some years ago, it needed new tires all around. Purchasing a new set with rims thru the whole goods department was no more than just new tires. Now the old rims and tires have on winter chains and in the fall I just swap all the rims. It goes faster than mounting chains.
  12. 07wingnut

    Looking for an easy access for jump starting and charging

    Just google it. Google is your friend. By the way, that number I quoted was not based on cars on the road, it was based on fires per 100,000 vehicles, and the number google came up with was 20 to 80.
  13. 07wingnut

    Looking for an easy access for jump starting and charging

    According to safety statistics, ice vehicles are 20 times more likely to catch fire than evs.
  14. 07wingnut

    Looking for an easy access for jump starting and charging

    Those are the connectors that I used as well. Wire one to the battery, and install wires on the other that terminate in booster cable type alligator clamps. Just make sure the wires are heavy enough to support the current running thru them when boosting.