Well I started a new project yesterday. Started building anyway. I have wanted a building to park the tractor and several trailers in since getting the tractor 2 years ago.
I was given several old electric poles when they were changed out buy the local power co. last year.
I have been picking up tin roofing and siding at bargain prices. This summer I decided to start clearing the location for the building. (no pictures) Yesterday I started building. I will start a new thread on the project later today. (This is the new thread)
First set of poles up. The uprights are 20' apart. The next set will be 10' to the right. The building will be open on the south facing side with 5, 10' wide parking areas. I got a lot done today.
I drill through the top pole into the center of the support poles and then drive a piece of rebar in the hole to hold them together. The metal band is for storm support. I add cross bracing temporarily until it is upright.
I got busy working and forgot to take pictures. The 2x4 are 24" center screwed and strapped to the beam. I used the winch on the back of my truck to pull the beam assembly up. The beam is chained to the forks so it wont go over center. I am working buy myself and I am taking my time to be safe each step of the way. One section up 4 more to go.
Staged for tomorrow.
I won't get as much done tomorrow because of rain in the forecast.
I was given several old electric poles when they were changed out buy the local power co. last year.
I have been picking up tin roofing and siding at bargain prices. This summer I decided to start clearing the location for the building. (no pictures) Yesterday I started building. I will start a new thread on the project later today. (This is the new thread)
First set of poles up. The uprights are 20' apart. The next set will be 10' to the right. The building will be open on the south facing side with 5, 10' wide parking areas. I got a lot done today.
I drill through the top pole into the center of the support poles and then drive a piece of rebar in the hole to hold them together. The metal band is for storm support. I add cross bracing temporarily until it is upright.
I got busy working and forgot to take pictures. The 2x4 are 24" center screwed and strapped to the beam. I used the winch on the back of my truck to pull the beam assembly up. The beam is chained to the forks so it wont go over center. I am working buy myself and I am taking my time to be safe each step of the way. One section up 4 more to go.
Staged for tomorrow.
I won't get as much done tomorrow because of rain in the forecast.
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