I can say a big amen to that. I thought my BX25 was going to pull stumps out. 8 hours working on a 10" cedar taught me otherwise. But it did finally get done. Would have been much faster to grind it.1 acre of stumps is a task for almost any tractor! Especially when they are large and close together with roots intertwined or you cant dig all the way around them because something is in the way. Small stumps no problem. Large stumps upwards of 24-30 inches dont think because you have a back hoe you will just be able to grab the top of the stump pull and rip it right out! Only a large excavator will do that. Just something to keep in mind.
But I had to rent a real backhoe (JD310) one time when I ran into a 10" sycamore root right in the path of the trench I was digging. I had no option to go around, and I knew I was likely to hit more of the same, plus the roots a good sized oak and 3 cedars just ahead of me. My BX could barely wiggle the big sycamore root. The JD popped it out like a twig, and a few more big ones as I went along.
Since I had the thing for the weekend, I did a few other jobs with it, including a 36" sycamore stump. I had turned the top of it into punk with the syrup and yeast method, but the main body of the stump was still there at ground level, and the roots. The JD had it all out of there in about 20 minutes, total.
The moral of the story is, if you are counting on a 26 HP tractor's backhoe to take out a lot of good sized stumps, re-think it.
Like freeheler said, if you have the time, you can do a lot of work that a bigger machine would do quickly. But there does come a point where they are just too big and it's not going to happen. You have to be realistic about what your tractor can do.