In 1930, Britain believed airships would be the way people traveled in the future. Many people thought this way. The Empire State building was constructed with a mooring mast for an airship on its roof. This was all pre-Hindenburg....Let me ask this, who do you want telling you how to build a rocket to fly to Mars…a rocket scientist or a medical doctor? Of course it’s rhetorical, but the same goes for trusting medical professionals.
Britain wanted to lead the world in airship development and production. The government subsidized a team to build an airship using some of the top experts at the was called the R101. The Minister of Air Travel in Britain, a politician, wanted the ship done in record time (see any parallels here?) because he wanted to take the airship on a trip to India and back for a conference. He pushed the team hard. During testing, the team found numerous problems from the ship not having enough lift from the hydrogen gas bags to the fabric skin tearing. They cut the ship on half, added a gas bag, stitched it all back together, patched the external fabric skin, and removed as much unnecessary weight as possible. Another test flight revealed the changes had helped but were not really sufficient. However, the team was under immense pressure from the Minister and they kept him in the dark of the potential problems. The trip to India was embarked upon. Right away, it was obvious the airship was not gaining enough altitude. Lots of ballast was removed. The ship unexpected nose-dived, low to the ground, but the crew recovered it. Then, the hastily added center gas bag broke apart. The sudden loss of hydrogen caused the airship to dive again, and the crew was unable to recover. The ship hit the ground, and one of the motors went through the side of the ship into a bag of hydrogen gas and exploded. Nearly everyone on board, including the Minister of Air Travel, perished.
My point is simply that when things are rushed, and reputation and money are at stake, risks are taken that are likely unseen by the general public, with the danger not coming to fruition until a later point, when it is too late. Frankly, even if the manufacturer(s) of the vaccine discovered a dangerous problem, they would likely cover it up. Even if they reported it to government, the government would likely cover it up. Telling tens of millions of people the vaccine they were persuaded or even mandated to take would likely cause them cancer down the road would likely generate a mutiny amongst the people, and government and big pharma is well aware of that.