My little girl Ella will turn 3 on Christmas Eve and many here that follow my posts know her.
We thought getting some chickens(8) would be good for her to begin to learn responsibility and aid in other ways in development. She helps me each night get up eggs, count babies on roost to ensure all are safe, she counts them been doing so since 2 1/2, feed them, water them, and date each egg.
They have been great for her and by me selling the eggs she was able to fund half of our initial investment to her 529 college fund ($500.00). It was not without our help but she helps almost every day with them, she loves it. She goes with me to get chicken food and hands cashier the money and puts her change back in bank bag for me to keep safe for her.
In short there is hope but the parents have to lead by example and teach there kid(s) to be productive citizens.
We eat dinner together most every night and we sure better not start to eat without saying grace and not go to bed at night without taking new prayer request.
Non related but funny. We carried Katie to back side of property to bury some some remains from cleaning some deer. Dug a hole with front bucket dumped in remains and covered. I told her to let me know if anyone ever messed on her and I would bury them like I did the deer remains she thought it was funny, I was just joking well a little.
She tugged on Pastor Paul's pants at church next day and told him that DaDa said if you mess on me he will dig hole and bury you, the look I got...I explained and laughter began..
Hope is in the parents being parents and the kids will grow up in most cases to be productive.
On way home one night she asked where mommy was I told her at Kiwanis meeting she said why I said they help people with a focus on kids. Her response at 2 1/2, dada I want to be a fireman like you so I can help people and like mommy so I call help babies.
Good day my friends.
We make work fun...