The brutality of the Japanese military during the late 30's and 1940's was horrific.
None of that is taught in school today. Fact: Our educational system has intentionally ignored much of world history. High school textbooks today have two paragraphs on WWII and one of them deals with the dropping of the atomic bomb. Nothing is mentioned about the 1.5 million leaflets urging the Japanese to leave Hiroshima and Nagasaki because a terrible new bomb will soon destroy them.
My dad was always close to the front keeping recon cameras loaded with film and operating for the aerial recon flights. You had to have room on an island to build an airstrip or take an island with one already there. Some of the large islands they were on still had leftover Japanese soldiers dug into caves.
As a photographer, my dad had a collection of great war images captured by him or his friends throughout the pacific. One of the most memorable was one handed to him when working with Bob Hope, Jerry Colona and crew... Bob and crew tried to bring a little of home to far away places. Those who traveled with Bob were witness to the effect it had on our guys, thousand of miles from home.
Many people today do not realize that we were well into WWII in Europe before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The thought of fighting a massive war on two fronts is something that many today do not completely understand. Almost the entire world was involved.