I am assuming you mean your tractor and not your car,, Soooooo how did it fall off did the lug nuts come off, the axle come out of the housing did the tire come off the rim,,, a little more information if you please and what would you like to know?
What model tractor? OOPS you post the model while I was typing this reply.
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I would like to know if I could fix this myself. I just spent over 800.00 paying MB tractor in Eliot maine to please go through the tractor and make sure everything is A ok. So I can rest a sure its set to go this winter.
That looks like that had rusted out for some time. I would go back to the place you threw down $800 and say WTF you missed something. Had they taken the wheel off they should have seen that problem.
I doubt a shop would have caught that. A decen machine shop could fix it without a great deal of work. My local machinist would charge me 100 to fix it. I know he has a jig to weld shafts square to plate.
That being said, a new replacement would be ready to pop in. No waiting on a machinist. For the money, it would be the easiest route.may need a bearing or two, a couple seals and a snap ring or two. That all depends on what you find when its all apart.
besides the rust, I'd assume that it takes a pretty big side load to break an axle like that. someone in that tractors life may have been pretty rough on it.
I really appreciate all the help. So when I order the new axle I should order two bearings, two seals and two snap rings to make sure. I hope one or some of you will help me through this. Thanks a bunch. filix.
The wheel fell off 20' from my barn. I would like to get it in there to work on. Take it out of 4 wheel drive, put a plank under the wheel, and slowly back it in to the barn. Could I make something worse by backing it in the barn.
For $162 I think I'd opt to replace the shaft if it was my tractor. Your tractor must not be the 1st one to break as Messick's shows to have 4 shafts in stock.
Filix, you could easily enough make a skid out of a piece of plywood (or take an old snow ski) and make a sled. Then just locate it where you need it. The least resistance to the ground the better, but you won't damage anything by doing that.
you won't do any damage by moving it a short distance. The axle shaft itself is probably intact and still sealed up.
I'd see if you can add weight to the bucket in the left front and get the tractor to settle down on the 3 wheels that it has. then lock the rear differential and back it into the barn under it's own power.