Everyone will have their opinions but the key question is: what will you be using it for?
I have all standard vehicles, I enjoy a manual trans in a car. For my tractor? I would NEVER consider anything but HST.
If I was plowing/mowing/bushhogging fields and driving long distances, maybe the GST or manual trans would make sense...but for tight manuvering, logging, snowblowing, loading, pushing, pulling, etc....the HST is hands down the best option regardless of your skill with a clutch.
Try to inch up against a foundation or push something at slow speed or back up to an attachment with a clutch....then try it with an HST....you will see instantly why people go with it. Try to load your bucket into a big pile of XXX....you are beating on a standard, but the HST you just adjust your pedal to match the load you want on the bucket.
Keep in mind there is a trade off, HST does sap more power, goes a bit slower if you're headed down an open road for long distances and wants to be warmed up in cold weather.
I have instructed my girlfriend and daughters on how to run my B9200 HST and they can all run it easily....no way would I put them on a standard, especially if I'm working down near the bucket or 3pt.