Truck / trailer questions


Well-known member

Nov 8, 2015
North East CT
Connecticut has a great way of picking your pocket when you register a vehicle. Since I did a plate transfer last week when I sold a car and put a different car on the road, the total registration fee is uncertain. When you transfer plates, they cancel they cancel the old registration and give you a credit for what is remaining on the registration fee only. You have to pay all the other fees again. On top of what the state gets for registrations, the local town where you live charges a town tax which is your town's mill rate times the value of the vehicle as established by the state. The state used the NADA dealer's price guide.

Registration Fee...................................... $38.92 (for 3 years)
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fee........ $7.50
Administration Fee................................. $10.00
Clean Air Act Fee...................................... $15.00
Passport to Parks Fee............................. $15.00 ($5.00 per year, for every vehicle you have registered)( This minimal fee allows residents with Connecticut plates on their vehicles to park for free at all state parks and beaches, while also funding public programs)
Vehicle Transfer Fee................................ $21.00



BX1880, LA344S, 48" MMM
Jan 28, 2024
New England
On top of what the state gets for registrations, the local town where you live charges a town tax which is your town's mill rate times the value of the vehicle as established by the state. The state used the NADA dealer's price guide.
MA does that. The value they use is typically way under book value, though - particularly after the first couple years.

They take MSRP and depreciate it by a set percentage. Year 2 is 60%, 3 is 40, then 25, then 10.

So, after 5 years you could have a vehicle that was originally 75k but in the state's eyes it's worth $7500 for tax purposes forever. The tax is $25 per $1000.

MA gets a bad reputation for taxes, but when you look at the whole picture every neighboring state is worse except for New Hampshire.


New member
Mar 20, 2025
Sort of late to this thread.

I faced a similar situation and went with a very basic gas 3/4 ton since it is not my daily driver. I have not regretted that decision at all. I too rarely tow the tractor through a big city, but that can be an issue with 1/2 ton in my opinion. Not that gas mileage is a concern for the truck (from part of the thread I read), towing is the great equalizer..........meaning lighter duty trucks do better at non towing on a daily basis but usually take a bigger hit on MPG when towing.

Perhaps get a "work truck" for your towing/recreational needs knowing that it will last a long time and keep the commuter car as a daily driver. Realizing that fixed costs will be incurred regardless of miles driven Fitness Apparel Online Australia.

Best of luck with your decision! or
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