Hello all,
Ok since I began the thread I wanted to give and update and probably some closure to the topic. Thank you for all of the great advice and opinions.
Last week I purchased a used 2015 RTVX-1100C cabbed version with a Boss straight poly plow. Has 500 hours, heat, A/C and radio, windshield wiper, rear view mirror and both side mirrors, roll down windows, good condition worksite tires, front light bar and rear flood light, for $18,000.
I took a very short test drive, yeah uncomfortable seats, and the HST transmission / accelerator pedal will take some getting used to . I may have to think about a roof mounted strobe so if I'm turning around in the street and have one of those hard shifting moments I will be visible.
All of our snow has melted so I may not get to test that function this year (fingers crossed), but I am looking forward to the time I do plow with it. Took it for a quick trip around the yard when I got home and the worksite tires do get filled with mud. These are the same tires that the tire dealer sold me for my zero turn mower when I complained about slipping on wet grass and should have remembered how they get filled with mud.
My wife agreed to take it for a test drive and hopefully the hard shifting and touchy accelerator pedal won't turn her off from it. I'm sure she and the grandkids will have a blast.
I already have a few questions on...... how to adjust the shocks, if it would be possible to put a step on both sides to make it easier for my wife to get in with her bad knee, can I purchase a grab handle for the drivers side A post, and I'm sure there will be more once I use it.
I went to the manuals site, I just need to decide if I want to print it out or purchase it.
Thanks again for all the input.
Ok since I began the thread I wanted to give and update and probably some closure to the topic. Thank you for all of the great advice and opinions.
Last week I purchased a used 2015 RTVX-1100C cabbed version with a Boss straight poly plow. Has 500 hours, heat, A/C and radio, windshield wiper, rear view mirror and both side mirrors, roll down windows, good condition worksite tires, front light bar and rear flood light, for $18,000.
I took a very short test drive, yeah uncomfortable seats, and the HST transmission / accelerator pedal will take some getting used to . I may have to think about a roof mounted strobe so if I'm turning around in the street and have one of those hard shifting moments I will be visible.
All of our snow has melted so I may not get to test that function this year (fingers crossed), but I am looking forward to the time I do plow with it. Took it for a quick trip around the yard when I got home and the worksite tires do get filled with mud. These are the same tires that the tire dealer sold me for my zero turn mower when I complained about slipping on wet grass and should have remembered how they get filled with mud.
My wife agreed to take it for a test drive and hopefully the hard shifting and touchy accelerator pedal won't turn her off from it. I'm sure she and the grandkids will have a blast.
I already have a few questions on...... how to adjust the shocks, if it would be possible to put a step on both sides to make it easier for my wife to get in with her bad knee, can I purchase a grab handle for the drivers side A post, and I'm sure there will be more once I use it.
I went to the manuals site, I just need to decide if I want to print it out or purchase it.
Thanks again for all the input.