North Idaho Wolfman
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Ummm #10 said key switch....Bumping the thread. I edited the OP with new info and my new question. But here it is again in case its easier to reply to this:
Hey team thanks for all your advice on my problem back in January. Turns out it wasn't any of the suggestions belowInstead it was my key switch. I know this because it has continued to degrade over the past two months to the point I now must replace it.
My follow up question to you is - how does this switch come out? I thought I can unscrew the band on the front and just push it out but with the band removed it won't budge. I can't find any videos on how to replace this key switch so thought I would ask the experts what the trick is to replacing. I am hoping I dont have to remove the fairing to get this done.
Any help or suggestions are welcome.
With the bezel removed it will come out.