Daily Chuckle


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
I fell for a romance scam. I am surprised that it took me this long to figure it out. Initially, she was lovely looking and very nice to me. With time, her demeanor changed with her being more demanding. I always believed in sharing, so what was mine was hers. But i found out that what was hers, was hers. She has been blowing money on all kinds of crap and there is no way to stop her. Now, she even claims that my retirement benefits are hers.
I regret so much signing the marriage certificate 46 years ago...
Been there......done that!
Mine took 1/2 of EVERYTHING I owned (including retirement),.... after 34 years of marriage.
Insanely expensive, but,.....here I am now,.... 27 years later ,.....and VERY pleased that it happened!


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Looking at boobs is an instinct men are born with.
So true!
At 83, the instinct is....... still STRONG!

MOD EDIT: Now if we could only get you to type outside the quotes!
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