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  1. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    I didnt update yesterday because I had a friend over and we got it together! Anyone capable of getting this together by themselves has my utmost respect and also must have vastly more tolerance for frustration than I do. Even with a buddy it took 30-40 minutes of pushing together, jacking up...
  2. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    I have thus far been unsuccessful. Any suggestions on how to check my alignment? I have measured the gap on the top, bottom, left and right and its all within a mm or so. It seems like that should be good. I'm going to ask my brother in law to come out tomorrow and help me out. I think if...
  3. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    I'm to the threaded studs on the top, but not to the two dowels. I'm right at 25mm gap, within a mm all the way around, so I'm squared up. I had to step away for a bit due to frustration. But I'll keep wiggling and jiggling and I'm sure it will go eventually. The responses are helpful...
  4. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    Thanks for feedback everyone. I'm sliding it together and it has basically stopped. The two studs on the top of the engine side have just slid into the matching holes on the rear side, so I'm pretty well lined up. I measured the gap at the top and the gap at the bottom and I'm within a mm, so...
  5. B

    What's it mean?

    That is very strange indeed. Please update us if you find out what its about.
  6. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    I think today is the day for putting it back together, finally. I am going to wire wheel the real half to clean it up, apply RTV and then put it back together. If you see anything wrong here, let me know. The manual says put molybdenum disulphide on the clutch splines. I did that, you can...
  7. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    As far as I can tell they match. I have looked over the clutch discs closely and I'm very confident they are the same shape, and size, at least to the degree I can tell by eye. I havent put calipers on every dimension. In post #43 I mentioned that the adjustment bolts dont seem to be the...
  8. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    I decided to buy the flywheel. While waiting for its arrival I went back over everything and wanted to double check my work. Does my rear seal install look correct? I have no experience with this so I'm just basing it off of looks, but I'm worried its sitting too deep in there. Thanks...
  9. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    Yes, it was a rant, as my last sentence acknowledged. It was a pretty frustrating day. The first sentence in my post was me thanking you for including the bulletin. To the first part of what you quoted; I was aware that it meant 38.5 +/-0.05mm. My point remains that it doesnt make sense...
  10. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    Thanks for sharing the bulletin. According to the table I should be using figure 1 and A = 38.5 B = 13.5 C = 1 D = 2 The first statement says you can remove up to 1.5mm. But if thats true, I dont understand how dimension A has to be held to 0.05mm. Any amount of clutch surface material...
  11. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    Well, thats not good. I did not see that disclaimer in the manual, anyhwere. Just did another search of my soft copy and am not seeing that anywhere. I am not doubting you, but I thought I was being thorough and careful with doing all this work and then this comes out of nowhere, very...
  12. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    My nearly 2 month saga is hopefully approaching its conclusion, here are the two halves: I replaced the rear main seal when i had everything apart. That went pretty smooth I think. I learned the hard way that the 6 flyhweel bolts are not evenly spaced which means that the flywheel mounts...
  13. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    Thank you Mr. Wolfman. I have a few side questions. I have a L3400D tractor. Looking through the exploded diagrams, its hard to tell which ones I should be looking at some times. For instance, on here are the options for flywheel diagram assemblies. I dont have an HST...
  14. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    Finally have the time to start putting this all back together. Looking over everything closely, the adjustment bolts on the clutch assembly don't look to be adjusted properly. As shown in the manual below the gap between the pressure plate and the head of the bolt should be a 1mm, but as...
  15. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    I found it. Its on the exploded diagram for the countershaft. Is part # 110 in the image and is a bearing cover.
  16. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    I got this mostly cleaned up and ready for paint. What is the part pointed to by the red arrow? I'm not seeing this part on kubotas website. Every other bolt, nut, washer, has a part number is shown in the exploded diagrams, but I'm not seeing it:
  17. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    Thats a good observation regarding that discoloration/water line. That freeze plug faces the area of the bell housing below that is enclosed. It could be that the tractor was submerged up to that place for awhile, but I think it could also be that the tractor sat out without running for a...
  18. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    I dont have a good sense of how difficult that is. Most importantly, if I try that - how easy is it for me to know I did it right before I put it back together? I would hate to have working fine, change it proactively only to put the tractor back together and have it start leaking. I'm...
  19. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    I flipped the bell housing around to look at the mating surface. A few spots around the circle don't look like clean bare metal. Do these spots look like where water could be getting in?
  20. B

    Clutch replacement, was not expecting this

    Everything looks good in here as far as I can tell. I'm glad I took it off though, it will make easier to clean up all the parts of the bell housing. Anything else I check or replace while I'm in this area? I'm hoping to never be back in this area again. :)