Building a machinery shed


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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
three of the best laws up here
1) need daytime running lights to work for 'safety', you can then pull the fuse...

2) rear license plate white lights needed (cause cops drive without headlights on ???)

3) ride up to any 'INN" and they have to stall and feed your horse
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North Idaho Wolfman

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Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Currently being taxed 100% for every electron and gas molecule I use.
I just find it incredible that some areas do not have 'building codes', then again LA's on fire.
Just heard a Li plant north of LA is to natgas......
oh well.....
This is such a ignorant statement!
California, LA, has some of the strictest building codes in the US.
I don't think you can build anything there without a permit or code compliance.
The fires are brush fires that don't give a crap about building codes.
Just because a building is built to code does not mean it's fire proof!


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
Why is it ignorant ? I would have thought by now, ALL areas would have some, reasonable building codes, basic stuff like a beam spanning 10' must be 3-2by10s, roof loads, exterior doors to be minimum of 34", bedrooms to have a minimum sized window, bedrooms below grade to have 'egress' windows. Stuff that relates to structures being solid and safe, should be minimum code . I do KNOW that in 'earthquake zones' you need a lot of 'brackets to tie roofs to walls ,walls to floors, floors to foundations' as I once built 'shaker tables' for earthquake analysis. Load up the data , stand on table, YOU got to feel what it was like.....

Gee, with respect to LA's well known FIRES occour in those area (one CDN lady interviewed, said it didn't seem that bad, we get them all the time..have for decades ), BUT NOT permitted to have proper fire breaks, remove 'brush', fill reservoirs, homes built with wooden siding, bitumen roofs.

What's criminal is that 'building codes' weren't written or updates or enforced to address these 'issues', or 'renovations' have been done over the decades since they were originally built 50-60s. There was an interesting picture on the web, beachfront shot...all houses GONE except ONE, made of concrete or stucco . It'd be nice to pull the permits on those houses , see when they were built as it's odd that only ONE is still standing.

Meanwhile HUGE inferno up the coast in Monteray Bay, some lithium battery bank at the power plant. Locals protested, did not want it, got built anyway, it will probably be an inferno for days as you can't use water to put out lithium battery fires....


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2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
Greenvillejay, stop ruining Hoot Owl’s build thread with all your crap about Canadian Building Codes. It’s got nothing to do with his build and documenting what work he has done. It’s just making you feel good by trying to be a Know It All. Go start your own thread. I am enjoying the progress he is making and all the updates he is giving us.
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Tom Sestito

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2017 B2650
Dec 31, 2024
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Greenvillejay, stop ruining Hoot Owl’s build thread with all your crap about Canadian Building Codes. It’s got nothing to do with his build and documenting what work he has done. It’s just making you feel good by trying to be a Know It All. Go start your own thread. I am enjoying the progress he is making and all the updates he is giving us.
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Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
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Peoria, AZ
If I bought a property with a structure like this, I would just get those hydraulically-driven screw anchors installed and tie the posts to them.
Like these: (and others)
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Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
If I bought a property with a structure like this, I would just get those hydraulically-driven screw anchors installed and tie the posts to them.
Like these: (and others)
watch out, you'll get 1sted and 2nded like me for suggesting some common sense ideas about building sheds !!! :rolleyes:

;)BTW it's NOT about Canadian building codes, per se, it's that some areas have NO building codes ,to me that's mind blowing especially since CC/GW is upon us....
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hoot owl

Well-known member

L2501 with loader and backhoe
Nov 13, 2022
For those of you concerned about my build. I will be driving ground anchors down 3' and cables at each post. To drill a post hole here you have to use a core saw to cut the rock. The power co. has used the same holes drilled 40 years ago because of the rock and cost.
There is a building code in the towns here but I am 25 miles from town.
Most of the barns and storage sheds in this area are built on 4' center for roof rafters mine are 2'.
I have not been working on it much because of the very cold weather and at 70, I don't take the cold like I use to.
I will be working on it some tomorrow and Saturday.
I may get my oldest son to help me use the jack hammer to start driving the anchors Saturday as the cable should be here Monday.
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hoot owl

Well-known member

L2501 with loader and backhoe
Nov 13, 2022
Its been a while since I up dated this story. Between the cold, 2 weeks of the flue and travel to Pa. and forgetting to take pictures. Well I am almost finished with the build.


I have one more wall to add on the far right that will be an outside wall.

The tractor will have a mostly enclosed area. There is a plywood wall on both sides of it now.

I will start moving tools and other items in, in the next few days. I'm not in a rush to finish the last wall as I need to start spring work on the food plots. I will post more later this week.
FYI for those concerned about the building moving or falling in high winds we had 60 mile an hr. all day yesterday with gust to 75 blowing right at the open side. Nothing moved.
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New member

LX4020, BX2370, KX033, Ford 8N
Mar 7, 2025
Lakes Region, NH
That is an unusual roof framing design. I don't know where you are located, but if you are in an area that receives much snow, those 2x4s spanning 10 ft on 2 ft centers will be subject to failure. Your roof pitch is so low that snow will likely not slide off and could build up a significant snow load. If you used 2x6s instead of 2x4s your roof would be 2.5 times stronger.

I'm not trying to be critical, just giving you a safety warning. If you are in an area that gets little or no snow you should be fine.

hoot owl

Well-known member

L2501 with loader and backhoe
Nov 13, 2022
I am in southern Missouri. we get maby 6" of snow at a time and it's melted in several days.
The pitch is deceiving in the pictures. There is a 3' drop in 20 feet from pole to pole.

Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
@hoot owl I have a question or two…
1) is there a plan for anything across the front? Or does it stay open like what we call run in sheds here?

2) If there is some covering planned how is is built, or hung or attached?


New member

LX4020, BX2370, KX033, Ford 8N
Mar 7, 2025
Lakes Region, NH
As long as snow does not build up a lot it should be fine. It would not survive at my location in NH. That 3ft rise in 20ft is a 1.8/12 pitch. A roof pitch of at least 5/12 (that would be over 8ft rise for your 20ft length) is needed for snow to slide off a metal roof.

In any case, I'm sure it's nice to have five 10ft bays undercover for equipment.


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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
As long as snow does not build up a lot it should be fine. It would not survive at my location in NH. That 3ft rise in 20ft is a 1.8/12 pitch. A roof pitch of at least 5/12 (that would be over 8ft rise for your 20ft length) is needed for snow to slide off a metal roof.

In any case, I'm sure it's nice to have five 10ft bays undercover for equipment.
1.8/12 pitch is probably too low for 6" of heavy wet snow.

hoot owl

Well-known member

L2501 with loader and backhoe
Nov 13, 2022
Russell King
Thank You for an honest question.
I plan on leaving the front open. If I ever do close any of it in it would only be the bay where the tractor is. Then I would have to do some framing for a garage door.
It faces south so it warms up fast now that the walls are up.

As far as the snow sliding off the roof, most of it slid off the next day. I have lived in Pa. where we had 3' of snow, so I do understand snow load. Around this part of the USA the main concern is tornados and high winds. 90% of the joist have hurricane straps on them. We had 2 days with 60+ mph winds out of the South all day and nothing moved. I was in the shed cleaning up cutoff lumber from the plywood wall build at the time, but when I went out to walk to the house I could barely stand because the wind was that strong.
In this area most of the custom built poll shed's are built 4' center with 2x4 joist and very few hurricane straps other than sill plate and center point.

I'm not building in your area so it is not built to your building coeds.
For those of you complaining about how I built MY BUILDING by my self I might add, lets see your build by your self.
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Active member

BX1880, FEL, Tooth Bar, MMM, QH, Ballast Box
Nov 16, 2022
Amsterdam, NY
Hoot - nice building, I'm jealous. Disregard the BS.
P.S. Nice red sports car you got there on the right, I don't think I could get in and out of it though. LOL

hoot owl

Well-known member

L2501 with loader and backhoe
Nov 13, 2022
Thank you Bee-Positive
Are you a bee keeper?
The car is a BMW for the grand son. I plan on adding a converter to use the DeWalt batteries that I only have about 20 of.


Active member

BX1880, FEL, Tooth Bar, MMM, QH, Ballast Box
Nov 16, 2022
Amsterdam, NY
Thank you Bee-Positive
Are you a bee keeper?
The car is a BMW for the grand son. I plan on adding a converter to use the DeWalt batteries that I only have about 20 of.
Bee keeper - yup, just 2 or 3 hives for personal consumption. FYI, when bees fly they generate a positive charge, when they land on a flower the pollen has a slight negative charge and it sticks to the bee. That way mother nature assures flowers get pollenated. As a retired Energy Engineer I found this interesting, hence the name.
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hoot owl

Well-known member

L2501 with loader and backhoe
Nov 13, 2022
I have 40 hives. I also lead the Branson Mo. bee club. I started beekeeping back in the 70s instead of drugs.
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