Daily Chuckle


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L2501(sold) - BX25D
Apr 23, 2024
An old woman, a beautiful girl, an army general, and a young soldier are sitting in the same car on a train.

Suddenly, the train goes into a dark tunnel.

There is a rustle of movement, a loud kiss, and a firm slap.

The train returns to the light. The general has a red mark on his cheek.

The old woman thinks, “Good for her. So many young girls today have no principles. That old man kissed her, and she slapped him right across the face.”

The beautiful girl thinks, “How odd, that that general would choose to kiss that old lady instead of me.”

The general thinks, “Well, isn’t that a fine thing. That young pup steals a kiss from a beautiful girl and I get the slap.”

The soldier thinks, “Not a bad day at all! All I had to do was kiss the back of my hand, and I got to slap a general and get away with it!”
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L2501(sold) - BX25D
Apr 23, 2024
The world's richest man is dying. He's made peace with that, but what bothers him is no one in the afterlife will even know it.
Here, he's a self-made man who created this huge fortune from scratch, but he can't take it with him. Not that he could spend it, of course, but just to SHOW everyone what a great success the poor boy had become.
He broods over this so that his guardian angel is worried. One night the angel flies to Heaven to consult Jesus. Jesus says “Well, you know earthly wealth has no place here"
The angel replies “I know Lord, but he's been such a good man. Did a lot for charity, ran his business honestly. He's only human. He can't help having this little quirk. Isn't there something we can do to ease his mind?
Jesus thinks a moment. “”All right. Let's look him up in the Book of Life" The Book is like a film of this man's life and seeing his struggles , Jesus is moved.
He tells the guardian angel “Wake him and tell him I will allow him to bring one suitcase-only one, mind you. And he can fill it with whatever wealth he chooses. At the moment of his death it will be brought to heaven with him.”
The angel goes down and gives the message. The guy is happy, but what should he bring? Our money would mean nothing to people from another time, jewels could be faked, stocks and bonds could not be traded so they'd be so much paper. Finally it dawns on him. Gold. Gold has been valued throughout history.
He sends out for the biggest suitcase he can find, fills it with gold bars, and sets it beside his bed. Now he can die in peace, and he does.
True to the promise he arrives at the Pearly Gates, suitcase in hand. St. Peter greets him warmly and says “All right, let's see what was so important to you that eternal life and bliss wasn't enough"
The man proudly opens the suitcase, stuffed with row after row of little gold bars.
St. Peter stares at it, puzzled, and says “You brought pavement?”
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Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Oh yeah, Imma following that one for the show.
That's like seeing someone secure a ratchet strap around the load, down the sides of the truck and attaching it to the rim 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

Sometimes you just need to step back and let someone learn that lesson 😁😁😁

I had some 18" diameter poly pipe and fittings to unload off a truck this morning. Driver couldn't speak a lick of English. I stopped him from unstrapping the poly pipe until I could get the 90° fittings off the top of it.

This way if I bumped something, the poly didn't roll off and get damaged or damage his trailer.