Warning About Mowing - Eye protection


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
there's a type of weed out here that if you are mowing it and the oily crap gets on your skin, you break out. Kind of a minty smell when you mow over it. I like the smell in the spring but it makes me break out. Also if it's thick and the wind is just right if I'm outside and get a big whiff of it, I have in the past gotten angioedima. That's no fun either. You can't breathe. I used to have to keep an epipen but with the cost of that skyrocketing I quit keeping it. Just have to be mindful of (1) dryer sheets and (2) mowing in the spring because both have been known to cause issues-at least for me.

Nother plant I seen at work earlier, poison bean plants. A bunch of them behind the shop. I'm told they're kind of nasty too. I guess I'll leave them alone. I don't know nothing about them (yet).

old and tired

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