TMG brand 48" reverse rotation tiller


New member

B2601, box blade, pallet forks, mower deck, quick attach hitch
May 12, 2024
Wausau, WI
Does anyone have one of these TSB48 model tillers? I need to prep my new property for a lawn and I already have a lot of nice topsoil but it is full of small rocks, and a few weeds and debris. I'd just have somebody power rake it but that cost would add up to more than what I have found a nice NEW TSB48 here just 10 minutes away for a great price.

These things look pretty slick with the ability to bury small debris and rocks. This is ideal for my scenario and existing soil conditions etc. I kicked around the idea of a landscape rake already but that just won't work especially since I need to scarify the existing soil and have a nice prepped seed bed for the grass.

Am I trying to use the wrong implement for the job? I honestly think I could resell this when done for nearly what the price is that the owner wants for it. Like I said - it is NEW and he never even used it, just went a different route with his project.

Kubota Newbie

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M4500, New Idea Cut-Ditioner, JD 14T Baler, IH "Plow Chief" plows, Oliver Rake
Dec 28, 2010
Mount Vernon, Ohio
My reverse rotation tiller does a pretty good job of tilling deep, but "burying" rock and debris is not exactly something I'd say it does well. Tends to kick big rocks forward and then when it picks them up and tosses them out the back they are either on or close to the top.


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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
No implement can BURY rocks ! Eventually every one of them WILL come back up to the surface, only a matter of time.
FWIW...Make sure you roll the soil during prep and after seeding. Also reseed again in the fall and next spring.


New member

B2601, box blade, pallet forks, mower deck, quick attach hitch
May 12, 2024
Wausau, WI
No implement can BURY rocks ! Eventually every one of them WILL come back up to the surface, only a matter of time.
FWIW...Make sure you roll the soil during prep and after seeding. Also reseed again in the fall and next spring.
Ha - that's kinda what I was wondering, its like they don't just "go away forever".. Especially in the climate here with the freezing and thawing rocks will work their way up to the top eventually! This particular implement brand and model is labeled as a "rock burier" so its just a tad misleading.

Thanks for the input guys - I have no experience with tillers so this is helpful. I think I might start another thread on lawn install tips too since there were another few good pointers about that too.