Looking to buy an acetylene/oxygen torch


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L35, b2710
Nov 23, 2015
marriotsville, MD, USA
I have an need for a torch set up that can cut at least 3/8 inch. I have looked at northern tool, ebay etc. and everyone claims that depth.

My real question is what is a good model/brand of set up for an acetylene oxygen torch that will not be under sized for my immediate needs and not be grossly over sized for the future. I will never me cutting 1 inch plus.

Semper Fi


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Steve - only my 2 cents, but when I was looking for a MIG, I decided it was going to be from my local welding supply.

Good thing. My Lincoln 210MP went "pop" a week or two later, and was shot. Took it back, owner made it good, and I took another off the showroom shelf in 15 minutes. New one is flawless after 18 months.

I could not have bought that welder cheaper on the internet. Plus the local guy gave me a deal to buy a bigger 75/25 tank and cart. (I later bought the HF MIG cabinet - like it better)

A good torch is not cheap, but not rocket science, either.

But, the cart, tanks, rod, etc. gotta come from somewhere. If you get the torch - some other goodies might come better from the local guy.

Unfortunately, I don't have experience to recommend make/model, just where to get it from. The local welding guy is going to know the make/model you need, as well as the other supplies you need to use it.

It's just my experience...

Best of luck!
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Active member

L235, bx2670
May 30, 2009
chickamauga ga usa
Go with a plasma cutter,, so much faster and cleaner cut. Since I purchased mine , I hardly ever use the oxy cetelane except for heating bolts and nuts that are tight.


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Go with a plasma cutter,, so much faster and cleaner cut. Since I purchased mine , I hardly ever use the oxy cetelane except for heating bolts and nuts that are tight.
There ya go. I have no need for oxy/acetelyne. Bought a plasma cutter a few years ago,will cut 3/8" no problem. Gas and bottle rentals were my deciding factors ,i just have the gas for my mig.

In Hindsight, i should have bought a Hypertherm. My Longevity isnt quite the machine i was expecting.

As far as heating goes, im looking at an inductive heating tool. Just saw one today, guess its going in the tool of the month book. For now i use mapp gas in my propane torch. It seems a tad hotter to me.

I repair vehicles for a living, some welding and fabricating too. And a wee bit o machining.


New member

L35, b2710
Nov 23, 2015
marriotsville, MD, USA
Not busting anyone but I already own a plasma. A 25 amp Lincoln 230v, 1-phase, I would have to go out and get the model number.

Anyway, it is absolutely rated to cut 3/8 plate, actually 1/2 i think, but in practice not really. I blows out some material and then whats left melts back together even if I am careful to go slow. Its not my compressor, I have a Ingersoll Rand t-30 that can run 175psi and 24 cfm all day long and its using 3/8 air lines.

I have tried upping the pressure to about 70 psi even though the recommended is 50 psi.

I was just thinking a gas torch would help make these problems minimal and give a source of heat when I need it, like getting pins out of a backhoe bucket.

Again, great feed back, no hurt feelings I hope but I have seriously tried the plasma. Love it otherwise.

Semper Fi.


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1993 kubota b2150hsd, fel, back hoe, log spliter
Aug 11, 2016
If you want quality and last a lifetime, go with a victor, I can't say about new stuff but I bought a used set 20 years ago and it's always performed well

If going for the long term it's best to own your bottles


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Steve, if you're having trouble as you described with your plasma cutter, you might try a better air filter on it's backside. It will make a HUGE difference.


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3901 LA525
May 31, 2015
NE Wisconsin
Victor and Smith are two brands that I've used for years and both are good quality. The tanks are the next thing. If you decide to buy the tanks, make sure to ask about testing and what the cost will be. By law, cylinders have to be hydro tested every 5 or ten years and they cannot be refilled if past the date on the tank. Don't let this scare you. Usually, the charge for testing isn't that bad, 20 dollars or so. But I've heard some horror stories over the years about places using testing as an excuse to rip off the customer.

The other option is leasing the tanks. Crunch the numbers and see what works best. Good luck!


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L2050DT, TSC 5ft Rake, Tartar 5ft rototiller, TSC Middlebuster, TSC CarryAll
Feb 6, 2015
While I agree with the LWS and Victor or Smith if I were primarily interested in just a cutting torch I believed I'd spend a few minutes over at harbor freight. Their torch handle gets great reviews.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
While I agree with the LWS and Victor or Smith if I were primarily interested in just a cutting torch I believed I'd spend a few minutes over at harbor freight.
I looked at those, too. Wasn't really looking to buy; just looking.

Like I said, they aren't rocket science, but are more supply-intensive (gases) than some other welders/cutters.

Had a high school Shop Teacher that was enamored with braising......

My LWS also sells Milwaukee tools. Bought a 18v Fuel brushless set from them while back. I think they beat online prices.....


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
My plasma at 50 amps will sever 5/8 plate. Its an ugly cut but it cuts. So a 25 amp would be maxed at 5/16". An upgrade would be in order if 3/8" plate is the norm for what you are cutting.
As mentioned the hypertherm 45 is a fantastic machine and does a nice job on 3/8"

Cutting torches, smith/victror are good quality and would be best off buying torch kit a little oversized then undersized. There are good bargain shop copies of both victor and smith. Tips will usually work from the matching name brand.

L.C. Gray

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L3400, RTV500
May 14, 2016
Stephenville, Texas
Comparing a plasma to a torch is like comparing a table saw to a radial arm saw. They both cut wood, but do it in different ways that excell for some jobs and just won't do the others. If you have the means I say have both, if not, the torch is more adaptable to more uses than the plasma ever thought about. I use the torch regularly, haven't pulled the trigger on the plasma in years since I last did aluminium work.



2016 B2650 FEL and 60"mmm,1998 B2400 MMM FEL(sold!) BB 4ft BRUSH HOG
Mar 6, 2010
West Central Illinois
When I was in the market for a torch many years ago, I ended up with a Purox. I have it set up to cut with propane(cheaper!) tips and it has done everything I've ever asked it...easy to set up and holds its settings.


New member

L35, b2710
Nov 23, 2015
marriotsville, MD, USA
I kicked it around and decided to go with Northern Tool's Victor design kit. $220.00 and should do anything I would ask of it as a farm tool. The reviews were very good and it can use Victor tips etc.

Thanks for everyone's input.

Semper Fi


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L5030 with cab and HST
Apr 22, 2011
Good luck. I went through this two years ago and settled on oxy/propane. I bought the oxygen bottle and had 20lb and 30lb propane bottles which I can get filled all over for cheaper than acetylene.
I have a cutting head and a rosebud. For auto and farm work the rosebud is a life saver. I tried 3x to get hub bolts out on a jeep with map gas and failed. Heated them with the rosebud and out they came. I rarely use the cutting head unless cutting scrap or rough cuts. For clean cuts I grab the 4" grinder with a thin wheel.


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Bx1500 w/ FEL, MMM and PTO Bagger
Jan 5, 2016
While I agree with the LWS and Victor or Smith if I were primarily interested in just a cutting torch I believed I'd spend a few minutes over at harbor freight. Their torch handle gets great reviews.

I read this site a lot and I can't believe how many guys waste their money at Harbor Freight tools! 99% of what they sell there isn't worth it's weight in scrap metal. Don't waste your hard earned money on Chinese crap, buy a good/decent one and buy it once. Victor, Smith and PureOx are great brands that have all different price points. I run a tool center and I wouldn't even purchase zip ties there! The only thing i purchase at Harbor Freight is something that I know that I am going to break or that I don't care about like a pair of tweezers. They should just start giving toilet paper away when you make a purchase there so that you wipe up their S#!T tools and flush them down the toilet easier.

Also I believe Home Depot sells a Lincoln brand set up with bottles and everything in a nice little kit that may be something to check out see link below. Personally I stock both plasma cutters and torches and they both have their place.



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L3901hst, la525, 72" landpride finish mower
Jan 1, 2017
Bealeton va
If you are working on getting pins out nothing will beat a pin lance. Only way to go especially if they are bigger pins.


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L2050DT, TSC 5ft Rake, Tartar 5ft rototiller, TSC Middlebuster, TSC CarryAll
Feb 6, 2015
I read this site a lot and I can't believe how many guys waste their money at Harbor Freight tools! 99% of what they sell there isn't worth it's weight in scrap metal. Don't waste your hard earned money on Chinese crap, buy a good/decent one and buy it once. Victor, Smith and PureOx are great brands that have all different price points. I run a tool center and I wouldn't even purchase zip ties there! The only thing i purchase at Harbor Freight is something that I know that I am going to break or that I don't care about like a pair of tweezers. They should just start giving toilet paper away when you make a purchase there so that you wipe up their S#!T tools and flush them down the toilet easier.

Also I believe Home Depot sells a Lincoln brand set up with bottles and everything in a nice little kit that may be something to check out see link below. Personally I stock both plasma cutters and torches and they both have their place.

You can find plenty of good tools at Harbor Freight if you know what to look for and plenty of junk at Home Depot if you don't.