Let's talk shoes


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Lifetime Member

2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
The last 6 years I have worn Danner shoes. I have the 8” work boot with steel toe in both plain and insulated. I get about 3 years out of each pair. The longest lasting work shoe I have ever worn. They are “Made” in USA or at least assembled in USA. They are expensive, but have been worth it to me.



Well-known member

Jan 21, 2018
I really like Tractor Supply's Ridgecut Steel toe wellingtons.
Super comfortable and seem to be very durable. I could not believe how cushy they were when I tried them on.
I like these as well. I tried on every brand TSC had and these were the the most comfortable ones. They are steel toe, electrical hazard rated, and waterproof. They are unfortunately made in China but all of TSCs name brand shoes (Wolverine, Justin, Ariat) are as well and the Ridgecuts were the lowest priced.

John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
I wear the 511 ATAC 8" side zip boot. "tactical boot" whatever that means...

They are light weight, composite toe, nifty little pocket for a "last resort knife" just in case I've fallen and I can't get up......

side zip is handy for getting yer feets out quick.

I think the light weight is the best feature... I've got a pair of Justin brand boots and they feel like lead weights comparatively.

As long as they make these, I'll keep buying them.



Well-known member

L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
I wear the 511 ATAC 8" side zip boot. "tactical boot" whatever that means...

They are light weight, composite toe, nifty little pocket for a "last resort knife" just in case I've fallen and I can't get up......

In recent years lots of things are tactical, ballistic nylon and military grade:)

The knife pocket brought back memories of perusing the thick Montgomery Ward or Sears Roebuck catalogs when I was in grade school. They had boots that came with a knife stuck in a pocket. Christmases came and went, but I never got a pair.


Well-known member

L2501, LA525, HLA Forks, Land Pride STB1072
Nov 13, 2024
Well I found out today there was a grand opening of Boot Barn here in Vermont so I went there and tried on 30 pairs of boots. Had a cool guy in a cowboy hat helped me out, flat out told me to not buy Keen shoes as they apparently fall apart so he didn't recommend those. He was recommending me some nice boots but they were like $400...I'm like yeah no, while they were nice just too much for me.

I settled on these.



They are Danners. Waterproof. Real leather and has an alloy toe. I wanted composite but every boot that had composite toe wasn't comfortable to me.

I wore these around the store for a while and I'm like man these are damn comfortable. A close second was some Timberland Pros but they weren't as comfortable around the ankle as these Danners were.

$170. Not terrible, wasn't looking forward to buying pair of boots I'm gonna beat the hell out of but I want to be comfortable doing work and that's the most important thing.

He kept trying to get me to buy cowboy or "Western" boots but I'm like they won't look sexy when I wear shorts!! 🤣🤣

Now I'm scared to wear them. Don't wanna get them dirty! 🤣
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