Leather Work Gloves


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
I can't buy gloves locally that fit, other than some really heavy "yard work" gloves that are thick and are good for, shoveling and whatnot. Anything that I need to "feel", I have to order them and they're expensive. Last pair I bough was about $130. I have bigger hands than most folks do and the years of mechanic'n have really toughened them to the point where nothing fits very well. So I just quit trying to find gloves to fit anymore and any yard work stuff, I'll use what I can find around here which isn't much

At work I do some EV stuff and when doing HV EV repairs you have to wear special gloves which are rubber lined and leather outer. I am not sure they make them to fit me. Company I got the last pair from said "size 12" is the biggest they have and they are just too small. Way too small. And they're $175 a pair, required to do EV high voltage work (OSHA). There's probably less expensive options and I've looked but size 12 is about as big as I could find in any brand. I need 14 or maybe even 16 due to the bulk of the gloves needed for this stuff. Problem is they have to be certified, and then they have to be sent in for recertification every so often too and the cheap brands don't offer that.
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