

New member

Bobcat S185, L48TLB, L3010HST, Ford 5000
Oct 11, 2016
South Texas
My L48TLB-HST, when I am in middle range going forward it makes a rather loud whinning noise but doesn't effect the forward speed, Middle range going in reverse or low and high range either forward or reverse it doesn't make the noise. Hydraulic level is ok. Just wondering if this could be a problem or normal for this model. The noise is coming from the mid section of the tractor. Thank You in advance.



L48 tlb, ssqa forks, manual thumb for hoe
Aug 19, 2016
Oxford, NS, Canada
Doesn't sound normal to me. Forward and reverse both sound the same on mine (same tractor). The only time mine starts to make any sort of whine, is in high range once everything gets wound up to high rpms.
Does it make the same whine in low range going forward? The ground speed isn't much slower but might help narrow down where the problem lies.
Also is your speed about the same in both directions? It should be, if not I'd try adjusting the linkage from the peddal first. Maybe it's over travelling in forward and rubbing internally.
There are much smarter people on here that will hopefully come up with better suggestions, I'm just thinking simple and easy to start with.


New member

Bobcat S185, L48TLB, L3010HST, Ford 5000
Oct 11, 2016
South Texas
The noise is only going forward middle range. It does seem to go a little faster in reverse but close to the forward speed. Also has a fresh filters and hydraulic change all Kubota. Thanks for the response.


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L5450, L48, L3250, L345 never enough attachments
Jul 6, 2015
western ma

Historically there have been reports of whining noises in Kubota BX and B series HST tractors - there are fewer complaints of whining in the larger L or M models. While the whining noise can be a nuisance, it is not believed to affect performance or life of the machine.

I recently dismantled my L48 HST because it had weak reverse - (story here). It had never made whining noises in any gear range H-M-L, in forward or reverse. In general whining noises are not common with the L48. However I also believe that whining noises are present in some gear-driven machines and are not necessarily a sign of present or future trouble. Since in your case the noise is only in middle-range forward, its likely being set off by harmless harmonics of gear tooth surfaces in the drive line. If you took it all apart (big job) and examined everything you might not find any clear evidence that explains the noise.

My first Kubota L345 made a groaning noise in first gear that sounded like trouble. The dealer took it all apart and found nothing. Back together it made that sound for years, never more, never less. Sometimes there isn't an answer, or a big need for one. Take care, Dick B.

p.s. Except for one extra case bolt, the HST in your L48 is the same assembly used in your L3010. The L48 is a lot heavier so the HST in the L3010 sees much lower forces and has an easier life (see linked thread above).
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New member

Bobcat S185, L48TLB, L3010HST, Ford 5000
Oct 11, 2016
South Texas
Thanks for the info, wish my L48TLB ran like my L3010HST it is very smooth and quiet. Thanks again