So I'm sure that those who were following my tractor saga are curious whether I was able to fix the hydraulic issues I was having. I did find the problem and fix it, troubleshooting was a pain for me because I don't deal with hydraulic problems on tractors often. Regardless, Occam's razor proves true once again, what happened exactly isn't clear to me, ultimately it came down to a clogged suction screen and hydraulic filter. As mentioned previously I had changed the oil and filter at the first 35 hrs and at 395 hrs, currently it's at 448.9 hrs, keep in mind the manual says to change oil and filter after the first 50 hrs and every 400 hrs, which is why I hadn't put too much thought into the idea that they would be the problem. On top of that I wouldn't have thought that would completely cause all function of hydraulics to fail. Now on to the reason to why this was able to happen, whatever was in the oil is only partially magnetic which is also why after having pulled the filter off, I didn't think that was the issue either (lack of particles on the filter magnet). What bothers me is the most is how did that stuff get into the system, now there's three possible explanations and all are disconcerting to me, and two of them should be should worry owners of new kubota tractors.
#1 when the transmission castings were made, the company didn't do their due diligence and clean the castings of the sand before assembly of the tractor. Now this seems the most plausible and least concerning, the question is why didn't the first two oil changes keep this problem from happening in the first place, also what finally caused the particles to get suspended in the oil.
#2 The least plausible but most concerning from a quality standpoint, the tractor is eating itself from the inside out. However I don't think this is the case because like I said, the majority of the particles aren't magnetic, if my gears were severely prematurely wearing, the magnet would've been full of it. Also at 448 hrs I don't believe that to be the case.
And finally #3 Someone put that stuff in there, if that's the case then I've got some other stuff to worry about.
Anyways thanks for your time and suggestions everyone, and remember to clean your suction screens and change your filters!!