Kubota l2501 throttle adjustment screw.

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Dec 5, 2017
Paris Ky
We're talking two different animals.

One is a d1703 engine sitting by itself, with engine specs by itself.

The other is an L2501 system, with a d1703 powerplant. The powerplant in the L2501 system is rated by design to 2200rpm. Apparently there are other subsystems in the L2501 which will not tolerate an engine running above 2200 rpm.
Where did you get that information from?
What subsystems? The hydraulic pump is ran on other machines with rpms up to 2800.
Yes it is set to 2200 rpm from the factory but why?
Maybe to tune down a 30 hp engine to get it below the tier 4 requirements?


Dec 5, 2017
Paris Ky
Probably be like Joel in the thread mentioned above, never to be heard from again.

My guess is he had some catastrophic problem and didn't have the intestinal fortitude come back and admit his results.
Not an insult, just a fact! Did I say anywhere I didn't agree with him, nope that's in your imagination?
Well first you said “probably” blew it up!
Now you are saying that it is “fact” that he blew it up?
How do you know for a fact that he blew it up?

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Kubota only make ONE d1703 engine.

Messicks video, is only the tip of the iceberg, and very simplified, there are many more numbers on the engine and many more factors involved.

A D1703-M-DI-E4-LB1 Tier4 is only one of about 10 models and variations of Kubota D1703 builds.

I asked you to post the WSM # that you are getting your information from, because I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it's a different engine. ;)

And yes as others have also stated You are not factoring in the other systems that are matched to a 2200 RPM motor.

Simply you can take just about any engine, and over rev it, it doesn't necessarily make it better, make it perform better, and it doesn't make it logical to do.

You are trying to spin this every which way to make all of us believe what your saying is right, well it's not.

This is not a personal attack on you at all, it's facts of a piece of machinery that you are not understanding.

You can very well rev it up to whatever limit you want and yes it might take it, it might not, but passing the limits of what the engineers designed the system to perform at, be it for emissions or be it for any other reason, and that is dangerous.

EDIT: Your post of the WSM your getting your info from proves my point exactly, That is a WSM for a D1703-M-DI, that is a version 1 WSM, different motor than what you have period, get a WSM for a D1703-M-DI-E4-LB1 Tier4 then that will give you your motor specs.
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Jim L.

Active member
Jun 18, 2014
What subsystems? The hydraulic pump is ran on other machines with rpms up to 2800.
Yes it is set to 2200 rpm from the factory but why?
Maybe to tune down a 30 hp engine to get it below the tier 4 requirements?
Since machines below 24 hp are exempt from Tier 4, and the net engine output on the L2501 is 23.9 hp; yeah, that could be it.

But, also need to look at the clutch and clutch plate to see if they will take higher power.

The HST has relief valves fixed at set pressures. Is the same HST part number assembly used in higher power/ higher rpm machines with the same valves/ same pressures?

Up to and including the rear axle?

If these things match up then the risk is reduced.


Dec 5, 2017
Paris Ky

Messicks video, is only the tip of the iceberg, and very simplified, there are many more numbers on the engine and many more factors involved.

A D1703-M-DI-E4-LB1 Tier4 is only one of about 10 models and variations of Kubota D1703 builds.

I asked you to post the WSM # that you are getting your information from, because I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it's a different engine. ;)

And yes as others have also stated You are not factoring in the other systems that are matched to a 2200 RPM motor.

Simply you can take just about any engine, and over rev it, it doesn't necessarily make it better, make it perform better, and it doesn't make it logical to do.

You are trying to spin this every which way to make all of us believe what your saying is right, well it's not.

This is not a personal attack on you at all, it's facts of a piece of machinery that you are not understanding.

You can very well rev it up to whatever limit you want and yes it might take it, it might not, but passing the limits of what the engineers designed the system to perform at, be it for emissions or be it for any other reason, and that is dangerous.
Did you click on the link for the service manual?
That is almost identical to the service manual for the exact engine in the l2501.
I spent hours at the dealership on their computers researching before I even posted this question. I spent hours researching.
I have seen the exact most current service manual for the kubota d1702 engine in the l2501 and the specs were identical to the service manual I linked to.

Did you click on the link?

Ok I agreed to the fact that there could be other systems effected by the higher rpms and asked several times to discuss any concerns anyone has but instead everyone wanted to bash me about how I am an idiot who is going to blow up his engine turning it up to 2800 rpm, 200 rpm below the max rpm for that engine.
I am at a dealership looking at an official service manual telling me something and instead of believing what I see with my own eyes directly from kubota I should believed people online who don***8217;t know their ass from a hole in the ground?

Like I said if we want to have a discussion about other ***8220;systems***8221; on the tractor that can be effected by running higher rpms than great I was hoping for that.

But if all we want to do is bitch about how I am going to blow my engine up, which is 95% of this thread then forget it.

Like I said before I am very confident that turning the engine up to 2800.

Did you click on the link?

Edit: the manual I listed is for the exact engine in the l2501. Exact specs as the service manual the dealership has for the d1703 engine in the kubota l2501.
The kubota l2501 doesn***8217;t have any teir 4 emissions. It is below 25hp not requiring any emission.
The d1703 teir 4 engine is the same as a teir 1.
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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I am at a dealership looking at an official service manual telling me something and instead of believing what I see with my own eyes directly from kubota I should believed people online who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground?
I've worked on these engines and systems for years and I know first hand that all engines and systems are not made the same.

Not every Kubota D950 was made the same.
Not every Kubota V2203 was made the same.
Not every GM 350 was made the same.
Not every Mopar 440 was made the same.
Not every Ford 302 was made the same.
and finally,
Not every Kubota D1703 was made the same.
and yes a L2501 has an emission engine in it, D1703-M-DI-E4-LB1 Tier4, if it didn't kubota would be violating laws that govern emissions output on new equipment.

If it was, what would be the point of having different revision / build numbers on them.

An engine can share a multitude of parts and all it takes is one part to throw off everything else, like the injection pump, the injectors, the cams, the valve sizes, and many more!

But you made the choice to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, and did so is such a beautiful manner, thanks for that! :rolleyes:

Why is it that Kubota does not say to see manual 9Y011-02153, it say to see manual 9Y111-11210 for the engine... Hmm I guess Kubota Executives and Engineers that make these suffer from the same issue as me.



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Dec 5, 2017
Paris Ky
I've worked on these engines and systems for years and I know first hand that all engines and systems are not made the same.

Not every Kubota D950 was made the same.
Not every Kubota V2203 was made the same.
Not every GM 350 was made the same.
Not every Mopar 440 was made the same.
Not every Ford 302 was made the same.
and finally,
Not every Kubota D1703 was made the same.

If it was, what would be the point of having different revision / build numbers on them.

An engine can share a multitude of parts and all it takes is one part to throw off everything else, like the injection pump, the injectors, the cams, the valve sizes, and many more!

But you made the choice to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, and did so is such a beautiful manner, thanks for that! :rolleyes:
You are welcome. Go to your dealership and ask them to look at the engine service manual for the l2501.
Go off knowledge like I do instead of going off what you “guess”.
My dealer showed me the service manual for the exact engine in the l2501. We checked the injection pump and hydraulic pump.
He checked some other parts he was concerned with and said he seen no reason to not turn it up.

I think I will follow the service manual that kubota produced and advise from my dealership instead of thanking the advice of someone who works on a lot of stuff.

Here is your exact words from 1-15-16.

So you're all getting your information from dealership mechanics, that would be super accurate! :rolleyes:

I find it odd that Kubota themselves have not released what the complete model number of the engine is, I think it has to do with the rating of tier 4 emissions.
So you are just a mechanic that works on stuff? Isn’t that a lower grade than a dealership mechanic?

Here is the thread from your quote where you appeared to have a hard on for the kubota l2501.

I found a lot of threads where you appear to have a hard on for the kubota l2501.

You should pick you up one.


Dec 5, 2017
Paris Ky
I've worked on these engines and systems for years and I know first hand that all engines and systems are not made the same.

Not every Kubota D950 was made the same.
Not every Kubota V2203 was made the same.
Not every GM 350 was made the same.
Not every Mopar 440 was made the same.
Not every Ford 302 was made the same.
and finally,
Not every Kubota D1703 was made the same.
and yes a L2501 has an emission engine in it, D1703-M-DI-E4-LB1 Tier4, if it didn't kubota would be violating laws that govern emissions output on new equipment.

If it was, what would be the point of having different revision / build numbers on them.

An engine can share a multitude of parts and all it takes is one part to throw off everything else, like the injection pump, the injectors, the cams, the valve sizes, and many more!

But you made the choice to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, and did so is such a beautiful manner, thanks for that! :rolleyes:

Why is it that Kubota does not say to see manual 9Y011-02153, it say to see manual 9Y111-11210 for the engine... Hmm I guess Kubota Executives and Engineers that make these suffer from the same issue as me.

You honestly have no ideal what you are taking about.
The law for teir 4 emissions is 25 hp or higher.
The l2501 doesn’t have any teir 4 emissions it is under the requirement for teir 4 emission.
The l3301 and 3901 have a diesel partlicate filter to qualify for tier 4 emissions.
The l2501 doesn’t have a diesel particalte filter.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
you honestly have no ideal what you are taking about.
The law for teir 4 emissions is 25 hp or higher.
The l2501 doesn***8217;t have any teir 4 emissions it is under the requirement for teir 4 emission.
The l3301 and 3901 have a diesel partlicate filter to qualify for tier 4 emissions.
The l2501 doesn***8217;t have a diesel particalte filter.
Wow really.... HONESTLY...

It meets Tier 4 requirements because it's under 25hp!
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Jim L.

Active member
Jun 18, 2014

Time to tone it down. You can make your points without getting personal.

You're making some wrong assumptions about Wolfman, who is highly respected on this Forum for good reasons.


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You are welcome. Go to your dealership and ask them to look at the engine service manual for the l2501.
Go off knowledge like I do instead of going off what you “guess”.
My dealer showed me the service manual for the exact engine in the l2501. We checked the injection pump and hydraulic pump.
He checked some other parts he was concerned with and said he seen no reason to not turn it up.

I think I will follow the service manual that kubota produced and advise from my dealership instead of thanking the advice of someone who works on a lot of stuff.

Here is your exact words from 1-15-16.

So you are just a mechanic that works on stuff? Isn’t that a lower grade than a dealership mechanic?

Here is the thread from your quote where you appeared to have a hard on for the kubota l2501.

I found a lot of threads where you appear to have a hard on for the kubota l2501.

You should pick you up one.
You are getting way out of line here Rdett. I am not sure what your problem is, but why do you keep coming back and picking a fight with everyone who posts something that you don’t like. If you are so sure that you are right, then turn the screw and be done with it. Stop insulting people on here who have offered their opinions and thoughts. You asked a question for help, but then chose to insult everyone who gave an answer that you didn’t like because you were certain you were right but didn’t have enough guts to just go ahead and do it without getting everyone to support your decision first. NO GUTS, NO GLORY, NO BALLS


Dec 5, 2017
Paris Ky
You are getting way out of line here Rdett. I am not sure what your problem is, but why do you keep coming back and picking a fight with everyone who posts something that you don’t like. If you are so sure that you are right, then turn the screw and be done with it. Stop insulting people on here who have offered their opinions and thoughts. You asked a question for help, but then chose to insult everyone who gave an answer that you didn’t like because you were certain you were right but didn’t have enough guts to just go ahead and do it without getting everyone to support your decision first. NO GUTS, NO GLORY, NO BALLS
Yeah I asked for help and got nothing but my balls busted.
No help from here even tho we have a forum full of “experts”:rolleyes:

I actually got more help in one pm from someone reading my thread than I did from 10 pages of people busting my balls.

Not picking a fight at all just educating the uneducated was my whole purpose of this thread and now with so many people chiming in with not technical knowledge they have trolled my thread with 10 pages of BS.

This thread will be a 100 pages long after the trolls get done and I publish my findings.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Put a fork in it it's done.
I'm going to let everyone have a say in this and then be done with it too.

I've never once insulted you, yet you have on many occasions done it to me and others, don't really know why I let it go on. :confused:

You pull up posts that I made 3 years ago about a model at that time had very little information and had a lot of people sceptical on what they really did, for that you want to call me stupid. :confused:

I find it very troubling that a dealership would tell you to go against warranty and against Kubota and simply tell you to "yea turn it up".

Wanna Share your dealership name and you mechanic's name? ;)
Yea probably not! :rolleyes:
Kubota Corp, the EPA, and probably hundred other entities would be so far up that dealerships business that they couldn't go to the bathroom without an escort!


Dec 5, 2017
Paris Ky
Put a fork in it it's done.
I'm going to let everyone have a say in this and then be done with it too.

I've never once insulted you, yet you have on many occasions done it to me and others, don't really know why I let it go on. :confused:

You pull up posts that I made 3 years ago about a model at that time had very little information and had a lot of people sceptical on what they really did, for that you want to call me stupid. :confused:

I find it very troubling that a dealership would tell you to go against warranty and against Kubota and simply tell you to "yea turn it up".

Wanna Share your dealership name and you mechanic's name? ;)
Yea probably not! :rolleyes:
Kubota Corp, the EPA, and probably hundred other entities would be so far up that dealerships business that they couldn't go to the bathroom without an escort!
When did I insult you? Soft skinned?
Did I hurt your feelings?
Is it when I said you didn’t know what you were talking about with the tier 4 emissions? Yea it is a tier 4 engine without any tier 4 emissions? But you said it had tier 4 emissions engine! You’re exact words.

You going to go taddle tale on me are you?
You aren’t one of them kind of people are you?
You ain’t going to call the epa on me and have them bust down my door in the middle of the night are you?
I sure hope you’re not one of those kind of people!

Anyway I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.
I didn’t mean too I thought we were having a discussion about the subject I had no ideal I was dealing with people who where so sensitive.


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Well first you said “probably” blew it up!
Now you are saying that it is “fact” that he blew it up?
How do you know for a fact that he blew it up?
Rdrett, either your reading comprehension is extremely low, or you're off your meds.

Show me what you quoted me as stating. You must read and re-read so it soaks in...I never stated he blew up anything.

Let me help you. This is copied and paste to make it simple. This is exactly what I stated.

"Probably be like Joel in the thread mentioned above, never to be heard from again.

My guess is he had some catastrophic problem and didn't have the intestinal fortitude come back and admit his results."

Many folks come to forums, including this one, and want some information to solve a specific problem they are having. They get answers and don't have the courtesy to come back and report what worked and what didn't. They are either selfish or ignorant.

They should come back, report what they discovered, and let that information help others. That is what apparently happened to Joel K that you put a link to in post #60. So consequently you don't get to learn anything from his experience.

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
When did I insult you? Soft skinned?
Did I hurt your feelings?
Is it when I said you didn***8217;t know what you were talking about with the tier 4 emissions? Yea it is a tier 4 engine without any tier 4 emissions? But you said it had tier 4 emissions engine! You***8217;re exact words.

You going to go taddle tale on me are you?
You aren***8217;t one of them kind of people are you?
You ain***8217;t going to call the epa on me and have them bust down my door in the middle of the night are you?
I sure hope you***8217;re not one of those kind of people!

Anyway I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.
I didn***8217;t mean too I thought we were having a discussion about the subject I had no ideal I was dealing with people who where so sensitive.
You just can't stop can you?
I tried and others tried to be civil to you and you just keep carrying on.
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BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
When did I insult you? Soft skinned?
Did I hurt your feelings?
Is it when I said you didn’t know what you were talking about with the tier 4 emissions? Yea it is a tier 4 engine without any tier 4 emissions? But you said it had tier 4 emissions engine! You’re exact words.

You going to go taddle tale on me are you?
You aren’t one of them kind of people are you?
You ain’t going to call the epa on me and have them bust down my door in the middle of the night are you?
I sure hope you’re not one of those kind of people!

Anyway I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.
I didn’t mean too I thought we were having a discussion about the subject I had no ideal I was dealing with people who where so sensitive.
I really don't know what you expected of us! it would be extremely unprofessional for anyone here to suggest it was a good idea to start twisting screws on an injection pump ( especially those that are safety wired!) You are welcome to adjust anything you like on your own tractor but don't expect me or any other Kubota mechanic to endorse it! If they do I would seriously question their professionalism!
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