Hydraulic Thumb


New member

Apr 24, 2011
Looking to install a hydraulic thumb on my backhoe before spring hits. I want a good quality one and am hoping for some ideas on where to purchase. I have found a few on the internet but there is no substitute for hearing from actual users. L35 tractor/BT900 hoe


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I just got thru installing one on my mini x. I found it on Ebay and I think it was a good deal. It's kind of a universal kit and was a little big for my needs. I cut it down and fitted it to my machine without much trouble. It came with a cylinder which was to long for me but I had no problem finding one that would work at my local TSC. Just got it plumbed in yesterdayand didn't get to use it but a few minutes. Works fine and comes with a guarantee. If you are interested I'll find where I bought it for you.


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
2grit, like I said I didn't get to use it much yet. Only thing I did was unload a load of cedar logs off one of my trailers. It did fine for that.

The thumb is 8" x 32" and comes with a 16" stroke cylinder. It's made out of .5" AR 400 steel. Although it probably would have been fine I went over the welds and beefed them up some. I would rather start out with everything welded like I think it should be done right from the start. It cost $490 shipped to my door.
I'm fixing to put mine to work cleaning brush where I just had pines cut last fall. I should know soon how happy I'll be with it but as of now I'm pleased.

Here's the product number on E-bay that should take you to it. If you have trouble let me know and I'll try to help you find it.

If I remember right this guys customer rating was pretty high and I think he had sold almost a 100 of these thumbs. I hope this helps you out. If you do order one of these the thumb and cylinder are shipped seperately. I was about to get excited when I got the thumb and no cylinder but it came in a couple of days later. I can get you some pics of mine if it will help you any. Just let me know.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Olympia Wa
2grit, like I said I didn't get to use it much yet. Only thing I did was unload a load of cedar logs off one of my trailers. It did fine for that.

The thumb is 8" x 32" and comes with a 16" stroke cylinder. It's made out of .5" AR 400 steel. Although it probably would have been fine I went over the welds and beefed them up some. I would rather start out with everything welded like I think it should be done right from the start. It cost $490 shipped to my door.
I'm fixing to put mine to work cleaning brush where I just had pines cut last fall. I should know soon how happy I'll be with it but as of now I'm pleased.

Here's the product number on E-bay that should take you to it. If you have trouble let me know and I'll try to help you find it.

If I remember right this guys customer rating was pretty high and I think he had sold almost a 100 of these thumbs. I hope this helps you out. If you do order one of these the thumb and cylinder are shipped seperately. I was about to get excited when I got the thumb and no cylinder but it came in a couple of days later. I can get you some pics of mine if it will help you any. Just let me know.
If that is still built with a 1" pin, that is where it will fail.


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Where are you talking about a 1" pin?

After using it some I have my dout about it being made out of AR 400 steel. It doesn't act like any hard plate that I have ever been around.

1. My metal saw cuts thru it fairly easy.
2. I bent one of the ears/teeth. Bent being the key word. AR plate from my experience will break instead of bending.

At this point I'm still pretty happy with it. Like I said, I haven't used it very much but it sure is nice when it's needed. I tore some beaver dams out for a friend and it was great for that.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Olympia Wa
Where are you talking about a 1" pin?

After using it some I have my dout about it being made out of AR 400 steel. It doesn't act like any hard plate that I have ever been around.

1. My metal saw cuts thru it fairly easy.
2. I bent one of the ears/teeth. Bent being the key word. AR plate from my experience will break instead of bending.

At this point I'm still pretty happy with it. Like I said, I haven't used it very much but it sure is nice when it's needed. I tore some beaver dams out for a friend and it was great for that.
the pivot pin


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
The main pin for the thumb is at least a 2". It not a pipe with end caps either, it's solid stock. I had to grind the weld off to remove it when I shortened the thumb to make it fit. I added a grease zirk to the pivot point when I put everything back together. Should have had one from the factory but I guess some people don't mind metal to metal. I guess it could have been spray lubed but the zirk is much better.


New member

Apr 24, 2011
Bulldog, where did you plumb in your thumb (to the tractor) and what did you use for controls (actuator)?