Hunting and game posts

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Looks like another forum I***8217;ll have to start passing through instead of stopping at. Good info here about tractors but our off topic area can***8217;t have a hunter celebrating his harvest with a picture of it looks dead. What a world we live in, heck I***8217;m offended by green tractors, spice racks, lame music, band videos, caught fish that look dead, abused orange tractors and old people (that also might look dead). But I don***8217;t want to impose my personal views on others so I keep my complaints/opinions to myself. Or I avoid the areas of discussion that don***8217;t interest me, just like others here could do. But instead we are going to worry about offending all the snow flakes in the room.
Yep, I***8217;ll keep my Kubota but I***8217;m be done with this forum. Wolf man might know tractors and he might be a mod here but he is certainly offending me with his personal agenda.

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Well good to have you state your opinion and complaint on how much of a snowflake I am.

And P.S. I may be a mod, it's not my agenda, I didn't make the forum rules, I just enforce them.

But with your wonderful opinion just made my day! :rolleyes:
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John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
What a silly thing to get worked up about.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
It would be interesting to know where folks like B2R go to get specific Kutota tractor information after they stand up, beat on their chest, and declare their done with this forum because of forum rules.

Someone has a dozen post over the last year and half the post about hunting, comes to a tractor forum and gets upset enough to post his dislikes and not going to participate! Why wouldn't that person just move on? Don't need to call names.

But he does mention he might be passing through. Probably about the time his tractor won't start!

Oh yes, there are many other forums, but post a question there and see if you even get an answer, much less an answer that helps solve your problem. They're often times threads about nothing. One of them, right now, has a thread on how to get a drain plug out of the belly of an old ford tractor. And...they are having a good time trying to get to 1,000 post about it.


New member
Dec 14, 2017
Well good to have you state your opinion and complaint on how much of a snowflake I am.

And P.S. I may be a mod, it's not my agenda, I didn't make the forum rules, I just enforce them.

But with your wonderful opinion just made my day! :rolleyes:

First, I never called you personally a snowflake. And yeah I don’t post much I mostly read. I did read the rules about the forum and posting and keeping it PG 13 ( which by the way now allows at least one F bomb and suggestive content) and keeping it family friendly. None of these rules were ever violated in the prior post about hunting. Not by me or anyone else that I saw posting here. I made a poor attempt at sounding outlandish about the list of things that offend me. Which by the way, none of those do but my frustration lies with the fact everyone is Sssooo easily offended now days. It’s ridiculous.

If you establish friendships on a forum and want to share your 13 yr olds deer harvest the perfect place would be in the off topic area. I don’t venture into some topics of discussion in some forums because I have no interest in them. Not because I am offended and I don’t think any one here really could. Why can’t others here do the same. It could clearly be labeled game and fishing or whatever. So, if their offended by those things they would clearly know it’s not the topic of discussion they will want to participate in.

The reason I was attempting to sound outlandish is do to the comment you made about thinking twice about posting a pic if it looks dead. How in the world would you expect anyone to post a picture of a dead animal without it looking dead? Yeah, I get the gut pile pictures, the bloody messes and gore pictures but I have never seen that here. And who will decide if it looks dead? I already know your feelings about seeing it..

Will this now apply to those posting picture of dead fish? See the problem, once you start where does it end. You cut out one group to be fair and politically correct. Then it becomes what’s next or who’s next and so on until you shut the whole thing down because someone is always gonna be offended.

I don’t care about being missed or the fact I’ve only made a handful of post in a year. You can’t offend me. Sorry, gents better luck next time.

And for the record I was wrong to say it was your personal agenda. I apologize. I am however worried that the snowflake comment was offensive. If I had dropped an F bomb in front of it I could see that. I don’t worry about offending because someone is always going to be no matter how careful you are, so why spend all this time worrying about it.

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North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
How in the world would you expect anyone to post a picture of a dead animal without it looking dead? Yeah, I get the gut pile pictures, the bloody messes and gore pictures but I have never seen that here.
That would be because I deleted the posts / threads that were over the top. ;)

The first post said it was a polite request...and it still is, don't want to go along with it don't, be a rebel! It just makes my day tougher when i have to feel like the censorship police and delete over the top or outside the rule posts. :(



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
How do you like my Kubota orange vest ? 42660DEF-C115-4AAE-A737-2E7627950E68.jpg
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Active member

BX22, FEL, BH, 40" pto tiller, 42" Bushog Squealer, pto hole digger, B7300 w/60"
Mar 25, 2014
Canton, MS
Cant get much deader than this...........


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Active member

BX22, FEL, BH, 40" pto tiller, 42" Bushog Squealer, pto hole digger, B7300 w/60"
Mar 25, 2014
Canton, MS
I'll have to boil em for a while to get em tender.
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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
I understand B2R's complaint precisely! I was completely under the impression that when he wrote "Adios" ...that he understood the meaning of that Spanish word and was being specific about never revisiting this forum again. Especially since it violates the rule by which he wishes to abide... not being involved in posting anything politically-correct ,,,, or DEAD..... Like this discussion.

(OK...B2R... I'm removing my tongue from inside my cheek... I'm sure you know it's only a joke among friends. I just hate it when people try to use a 2nd language when their primary one escapes them.) ;)

LOLOL (now, back to our regular programming...??) :D


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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
I understand B2R's complaint precisely! I was completely under the impression that when he wrote "Adios" ...that he understood the meaning of that Spanish word and was being specific about never revisiting this forum again. Especially since it violates the rule by which he wishes to abide... not being involved in posting anything politically-correct ,,,, or DEAD..... Like this discussion.

(OK...B2R... I'm removing my tongue from inside my cheek... I'm sure you know it's only a joke among friends. I just hate it when people try to use a 2nd language when their primary one escapes them.) ;)

LOLOL (now, back to our regular programming...??) :D


Well-known member
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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
Yep. No individuals here.